

篱牢犬不入对应英文:Dogs don't into hedge

【龃龉不入】龃龉上下牙齿不相配合。比喻互相抵触。常指见解不同,难于相容。【篱牢犬不入】篱笆编得结实,狗就钻不进来。比喻自己品行端正,坏人就无法勾引。【三过家...对应英文:"[]" not into the upper and lower teeth do not match. Metaphor is inconsistent. Usually the opinions are different, it is difficult to compatible. [in] the fence fence. Dogs don't have strong, dog drilling is not involved. Figurative his good conduct, the bad guys can't seduce. [three home...

【龃龉不入】龃龉上下牙齿不相配合。比喻互相抵触。常指见解不同,难于相容。 【篱牢犬不入】篱笆编得结实,狗就钻不进来。比喻自己品行端正,坏人就无法勾引。 【三过...对应英文:"[]" not into the upper and lower teeth do not match. Metaphor is inconsistent. Usually the opinions are different, it is difficult to compatible. [in] the fence fence. Dogs don't have strong, dog drilling is not involved. Figurative his good conduct, the bad guys can't seduce. [three...

比喻互相抵触。常指见解不同,难于相容。 【篱牢犬不入】篱笆编得结实,狗就钻不进来。比喻自己品行端正,坏人就无法勾引。 【三过家门而不入】指夏禹治水的故事,比喻热...对应英文:Metaphor is inconsistent. Usually the opinions are different, it is difficult to compatible. [in] the fence fence. Dogs don't have strong, dog drilling is not involved. Figurative his good conduct, the bad guys can't seduce. [three] the house without Xia Yu the flood story, metaphorical heat...

花无百园红 送君千里,终须一别 人无刚骨,安身不牢 表壮不如里壮 篱牢犬不入 拳头上立得人,胳膊上走得马,人面上行得人 骏马却驮痴汉走,美妻常伴拙夫眠 柔软是立身之本...对应英文:No one hundred yuan red send you a thousand miles, must not no rigid bone, based on the unstable table Zhuang as Li Zhuang Lei prison dogs don't into the fist made people go horse, arms, face upward to the horse is on our walks, beautiful wife often accompanied by the softness of Zhuo Fumian is the foundation of this...

(第二十一回《虔婆醉打唐牛儿 宋江怒杀阎婆惜》) 、篱牢犬不入。(第二十四回《王婆贪贿说风情 郓哥不怒闹茶肆》) 、骏马却驮痴汉走,美妻常伴拙夫眠。(第二十四回...对应英文:(twenty-first "Biddy drunk fight down the Song Jiang Yan Poxi kill"), not into the dog fence. (twenty-fourth "Wangpo bribe said customs hay brother not anger make tea"), the horse is on our walks, beautiful wife often accompanied by my husband. (twenty-fourth...

烹犬藏弓 狡兔死,良犬烹 狂犬吠日 犬吠之盗 犬吠之警 犬迹狐踪 犬马恋主 篱牢犬不入 犬马之报 犬马之诚 犬马之疾 犬马之决 犬马之劳 犬马之力 犬马之恋 犬马之年 犬马...对应英文:Pengquancanggong Jiaotu death, good dog cooking in the futility Quanfeizhidao robbery Quanjihuzong Quanmalianzhu fence. Dogs don't into the Quanmazhibao Quanmazhicheng Quanmazhiji serve like a dog or a horse Quanmazhijue labour of dogs and horses Quanmazhilian Quanmazhinian horse...

品行相貌都超出一般。 芒寒色正 指星光清冷色纯正。也借以称颂人的品行高洁正直。 篱牢犬不入 篱笆编得结实,狗就钻不进来。比喻自己品行端正,坏人就无法勾引。 君子之...对应英文:Conduct looks beyond the ordinary. Wanghanshaizheng refers to clear pure cool stars. To praise a man's character Gao Jie integrity. Hedgerow prison dogs don't into the fence made strong, dog drilling is not involved. Figurative his good conduct, the bad guys can't seduce. A gentleman...

将门无犬子 将门将、相的家庭。比喻父辈有才能,子孙也不会有庸才俗辈。 篱牢犬不入 篱笆编得结实,狗就钻不进来。比喻自己品行端正,坏人就无法勾引。 驴鸣犬吠 如同...对应英文:The door keeper, a chip off the old block will phase family. Parents have to metaphor, children will not be mediocre ruck. Hedgerow prison dogs don't into the fence made strong, dog drilling is not involved. Figurative his good conduct, the bad guys can't seduce. Asses Bray and dogs bark like...

【开头的词语】篱笆 篱墙 篱牢犬不入 篱子 篱障 篱帐 篱栅 篱援 篱垣 篱阴 篱鷃 篱喧 篱围 篱头 篱雀蛋色 篱畔 篱陌 篱门 篱落 篱菊 篱槿 篱棘 篱花 篱根 篱樊 篱藩 ...对应英文:[] at the beginning of the term hedge hedge hedge. Dogs don't hedge hedge account into sub barriers trellis fence fence fence fence fence for Yin button quail noisy hedge hedge sparrow egg fence fence head pan Lei Mo fence door fence Lei Ju Lei Jin Lei Ji Lei flower hedge hedge hedge fan fan root...

祸从口出,患从口入 指说错了话要惹祸,吃错了东西要生病。后多以强调言语必须谨慎。 篱牢犬不入 篱笆编得结实,狗就钻不进来。比喻自己品行端正,坏人就无法勾引。 破门...对应英文:Out of the mouth comes evil., suffering from the mouth the words ask for trouble, eat the right things to get sick. After emphasizing the words must be cautious. Hedgerow prison dogs don't into the fence made strong, dog drilling is not involved. Figurative his good conduct, the bad guys can't seduce. Break...


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