

物干风燥火易起对应英文:Dry wind dryness easily

正确的原文是「云从龙,风从虎,圣人作而万物覩」。 这话出于《易经.干卦》中,解说「九五爻」爻辞的〈文言传〉里。 全文是「九五曰飞龙在天,利见大人,何谓也子曰,同声...对应英文:Correct the "cloud from the dragon, the wind from the tiger, the saints and all Dusan". "I Ching hexagram. Dry it out", "nine five lines" to explain the 'classical' Yao CI came in. The full text is "the nine five day dragon flight, see adult, what also Confucius, simultaneous...

因为你的头发干股没有营养,所以就显得很轻,没有质感和重量,当然会风吹就全部飞起来。可能也有些是先天性的,发丝很细,很柔!最好使用一些柔顺的洗发水,然后再配合使用护...对应英文:Because your hair dry no nutrition, so it is very light, no texture and weight, of course, will the wind all fly. Some may be congenital, hair is very thin, very soft! It is best to use some submissive shampoo, and then with the use of support...

风痰,痰中多挟有泡沫,痰白,清稀,舌淡,苔白。寒痰,痰清长而白,不粘,略腥,舌淡,苔白腻,脉迟紧。暑痰,痰多黄稠而粘,舌红苔黄腻,多伴有面红,口渴,脉数等暑热之症湿痰其病...对应英文:The wind phlegm, phlegm in the sediment with foam, sputum white, thin, pale tongue, white coating. Cold phlegm, phlegm Qing long and white, not sticky, slightly fishy, pale tongue, white and greasy fur, slow pulse. Summer phlegm, phlegm yellow thick and sticky, red tongue, with red, thirst, heat pulse number in damp phlegm disease...

于这一天的人终能赢得众人的认可。然而,令人不解的是,月日出生的人可以在自己的领域中轻易爬到最高的位置,甚至在相当年轻的时候就能功成名就可是一旦成功了,他们却...对应英文:On this day people can finally win everyone's approval. However, it is puzzling, July born people in their own fields easily climb to the highest position, and even can achieve success and win recognition when quite young but once successful, but they...

皮损经久不消,多为斑块状或混合状,表面覆较厚的银白色鳞屑,不易剥脱,干燥易裂,散布躯干、四肢。新发皮疹较少,伴程度不同的瘙痒,也可不痒,五心烦热或掌心发热,咽干唇燥...对应英文:Lesions less durable, multiple patchy or mixed, coated thick silver white scales, exfoliation, dry chapped, spread the torso, limbs. New rash less, with varying degrees of itching, can also be no itching, burning sensation of five centers or palm fever, throat dry lips...

推荐百度百科词条如下 肝风内动   肝风内动是泛指因风阳、火热、阴血亏虚所致,以肢体抽搐、眩晕、震颤等为主要表现的症候。分为四型--肝阳化风、热极生风、阴虚动...对应英文:Recommended Baidu Wikipedia entries are endogenous liver wind agitation is refers to a wind Yang, fiery, blood deficiency caused by dizziness, limb tic, to, such as the main symptoms of tremor. Divided into four types: the liver Yang wind, wind, extreme heat syndrome due to deficiency of yin...

血瘀常导致肤色口唇晦暗、皮肤毛发干燥血热则导致皮肤油腻粗糙、易生痤疮,这些气血两虚的问题给女人的面子问题带来了很大的影响。 由于气候变化与生理特征,部分人会...对应英文:Blood stasis often causes the skin color dull, skin hair dry lips blood to oily skin rough, acne prone, brought a great impact on these two blood deficiency problems to face the problem of women. Due to climate change and physiological characteristics, some people will...

有【风寒袭肺】,【风热犯肺】,【风燥伤肺】的区别。均属于外感咳嗽。 外感咳嗽,因其病轻浅,及时治疗多能短...或痰中带有血丝,咽喉干痛,唇鼻干燥,口干,常伴鼻塞,头痛,微寒...对应英文:There is wind cold attacking the lung [], [wind heat Fanfei], [from] the wind dry lung injury. Belong to the exogenous cough. Exogenous cough, because the disease is light shallow, timely treatment can short... Or sputum with bloodshot eyes, dry throat pain, dry mouth, nose and lips, often accompanied by headache, stuffy nose, slightly cold...

如果头发是从发根掉落,说明头皮有油,可以买些清爽些的洗发水专门洗头皮,但是头发干,就不能用清爽的了,要用滋润型的。我推荐你用潘婷或者舒蕾的,力士的也不错,我记得潘...对应英文:If the hair is falling from the root, the scalp is oil, you can buy some more refreshing shampoo special shampoo hair dry skin, however, cannot use fresh, to use moist type. I recommend you use the Pantene or Shu Lei, Alex is also good, I remember pan...

梨具有润燥消风,镇咳止喘,清心降火的作用,可以缓解皮肤干燥。对应英文:Pear has Runzao Xiaofeng, antitussive, antiasthmatic, Qingxin fire effect, can relieve dry skin.


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