

当地生姜不辣对应英文:Local ginger not spicy

本地姜不辣和外来的和尚会念经的意思一样。因为见惯了自己身边的东西就不会觉得他有多好,都觉得外面的东西一定更好,所以会有本地姜不辣一词。对应英文:Local ginger is not spicy and foreign monks will recite and chant Scripture means. Because used to see their side of things will not feel how good he is, will feel that the outside things better, so there will be local ginger spicy or not a word.

大事化小,小事化了 大树底下好乘凉 大眼瞪小眼 大意失荆州 大丈夫能屈能伸 胆小不得将军做 当地生姜不辣 当耳旁风 当面鼓对面锣 当面是人,背后是鬼 当着矬子不说短话...对应英文:Big small, trivial and Great trees are good for shade. eyeball effect of Jingzhou big husband can take temporary setbacks do not timid general local ginger not spicy take opposite to drum gongs is people face to face, is behind the ghost when men do not say briefly...

当地生姜不辣   当耳旁风   当面鼓对面锣   当面是人,背后是鬼   当着矬子不说短话   刀架脖子上   刀快不怕脖子粗   刀枪药虽好,不破手为高   刀子...对应英文:Local ginger not spicy take opposite to drum gongs is people face to face, is behind the ghost when men do not say briefly neck knife knife fast not thick neck and medicine is good, do not break the hand as high knife...

麦芽糖.... 、胡椒粉..... 克、生姜..... 克、葱段..... 克 冬菇..... 克、湿淀粉.... 克、火腿....仔鸭肥嫩,又是生姜的收获期,当地人喜用生姜与仔鸭合烹,味道鲜...对应英文:Maltose...., pepper..... Grams, ginger, scallion..... G..... G mushrooms..... Grams, wet starch.... g, ham.... fat duck, and ginger harvest period, the local people like to use ginger and duck cooked, fresh flavor...

为什么生姜、萝卜要在一天的不同时间进食这是由其性质而决定的。 姜,其味辛辣,性温。人在清晨之时,胃中...贵、湘等地居民嗜辣如命,这与当地多有寒、湿、雾、露的气候相...对应英文:Why ginger, radish to eat this is decided by its nature at different times of the day. Ginger, the spicy flavor, warm in nature. In the early morning, the stomach... Your, Hunan and other residents of spicy like life, this with a number of local cold, wet, fog, dew climate...

为什么生姜、萝卜要在一天的不同时间进食这是由其性质而决定的。  姜,其味辛辣,性温。人在清晨之时...贵、湘等地居民嗜辣如命,这与当地多有寒、湿、雾、露的气候...对应英文:Why ginger, radish to eat this is decided by its nature at different times of the day. Ginger, the spicy flavor, warm in nature. Residents in the early hours of the morning when... Your, Hunan and other places spicy like life, this with a number of local cold, wet, fog, dew climate...

营养分析 生姜还具有解毒杀菌的作用,日常我们在吃松花蛋或鱼蟹等水产时,通常会放上一些姜末、姜汁。人体... 秋末冬初,当地上茎叶枯黄时,挖取~年生根茎,洗去泥土,除去...对应英文:Nutritional analysis of ginger also has a detoxification sterilization, everyday we eat egg or fish, crab and other aquatic, usually put some ginger, ginger juice. The human body... In late autumn and early winter, the local upper stem and leaf yellow, digging ~ years old roots, wash away the mud, remove...

大眼瞪小眼 、大意失荆州 、大丈夫能屈能伸 、胆小不得将军做 、当地生姜不辣 、当耳旁风 、当面鼓对面锣 、当面是人,背后是鬼 、当着矬子不说短话 ...对应英文:Eyes wide open, the effect of Jingzhou, husband can take temporary setbacks, timid, not general local ginger not spicy, take, to drum gongs, opposite is people face to face, is behind the ghost, when men do not say briefly...

大意失荆州 、大丈夫能屈能伸 、胆小不得将军做 、当地生姜不辣 、当耳旁风 、当面鼓对面锣 、当面是人,背后是鬼 、当着矬子不说短话 、刀架脖子上 ...对应英文:The effect of Jingzhou, husband can take temporary setbacks, timid, not general local ginger not spicy, take, to drum gongs, opposite is people face to face, is behind the ghost, when men do not say briefly, neck knife...

大树底下好乘凉 大眼瞪小眼 大意失荆州 大丈夫能屈能伸 胆小不得将军做 当地生姜不辣 当耳旁风 当面鼓对面锣 当面是人,背后是鬼 当着矬子不说短话 刀架脖子上 刀快不...对应英文:Great trees are good for shade. eyeball effect of Jingzhou big husband can take temporary setbacks do not timid general local ginger not spicy take opposite to drum gongs is people face to face, is behind the ghost when men do not say briefly neck knife knife unpleasant...


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