

不迷鲜花迷烟花对应英文:Not lost game fireworks flowers

除夕的夜晚,带你看去烟花,在空荡的大桥上,我们趴着护栏面朝南方,宽阔的运河波澜不惊倒映美丽的烟花四处绽...一道未及愈合的伤,曾经开满鲜花的心灵的后花园如今一偏荒芜...对应英文:New year's Eve night, take you see fireworks, in the empty bridge, we lay fence facing south, the Grand Canal fall reflected beautiful fireworks around that... A does not heal wounds, the garden was full of flowers of a barren soul now...

来到秦淮河畔又迷失在烟花中,但这些美景也不过是背后的繁荣的衬托罢了。傍晚时分外出的人们都归来了,风中...而"舞裙红"则是鲜花,"隔花偏衬舞裙红"是描写鲜花藏在草丛当...对应英文:Qinhuai River and lost to in fireworks, but the scenery is only set off behind the prosperity. In the evening out of people back, the wind... And "dance skirt red" is the flowers, "every flower bias lining dance skirt red" is the description of flowers, hidden in the grass when...

来到秦淮河畔又迷失在烟花中,但这些美景也不过是背后的繁荣的衬托罢了。傍晚时分外出的人们都归来了,风中...而"舞裙红"则是鲜花,"隔花偏衬舞裙红"是描写鲜花藏在草丛当中...对应英文:Qinhuai River and lost to in fireworks, but the scenery is only set off behind the prosperity. In the evening out of people back, the wind... And "dance skirt red" is the flowers, "every flower bias lining dance skirt red" is the description of flowers, hidden in the grass...

《烟花》出自《不要哭了》专辑。发行 (可在上搜索 郑伊健 郑瑞芬) 演唱郑伊健与郑瑞芬 语言粤...合就如送上一束鲜花 红蓝绿与紫 将夜燃亮了 银河上空 一幅绣...对应英文:"Fireworks" from "don't cry" album. To issue (searchable in Ekin Cheng Zheng Ruifen and Zheng Ruifen Ekin Cheng) singing language Guangdong... Much like a bunch of flowers red blue green and purple night light the galaxy over a piece of embroidery...

+武帝 浇花壶 琉璃烟花 鲜花 嫦娥的眼泪 香草 四叶草 草果 金针 九花玉露丸 黑山药 七叶莲 九香虫...对应英文:Wu Di is watering flowers the glazed fireworks tears vanilla clover Amomum Tsao Ko needle nine flower jade dew pill black yam seven leaf lotus nine pest...

一到秋天,迷朦的细雨滋润得校园里的鲜花,便闻到了处处飘香的桂花香。在学校里有很多桂树,微风摇曳中,桂花...最动人场景如同烟花一般,灿烂在一夜之间,却留下最美丽的传说...对应英文:In autumn, the misty rain and moisture to the campus flowers, he smelled the fragrance of osmanthus fragrance everywhere. There are many trees in the school, swaying in the breeze, the sweet scented osmanthus... The most touching scenes like fireworks, brilliant overnight, leaving behind the most beautiful legend...

到花市的人,你一盆、我一盆,鲜花映着笑脸,那份喜兴,那份热烈,让人看着也顿生畅快。上市花卉有从本地城阳、...近几年,城区禁售禁放烟花爆竹,原来兴盛的鞭炮市便随之消失,...对应英文:To the flower market people, you a pot, I a pot of flowers, reflecting the smiling face, the happiness, the warm, let a person look at also instantly. Flowers are listed from the local Chengyang,... In recent years, city banned banned fireworks, firecrackers, original prosperity would disappear,...

有爸爸妈妈在,你可以感觉春天里的鲜花开不败,有爸爸妈妈在,你会感觉世上有温暖的情怀。 可是在这一年里,我...春天还会远吗让我们燃起烟花,放飞梦想,用崭新的风貌迎接光...对应英文:Mom and Dad, you can feel the spring flowers open unbeaten, with mom and Dad, you will feel the warm feelings of the world. But in this year, I... Spring can also be far let us ignite fireworks, flying dream, meet with the new style light...

敲出爱情泪水开始打转失去你的悲伤在线对你隐身撒谎不说情话最后一朵鲜花我们等待结局等不到你到来绝望埋...乱热情倾囊而出只答心中膜拜呼吸沉醉如迷不必羞于启齿倘若沧...对应英文:When love tears spin lose your sadness online on your stealth lie not speaking about the last flower we wait for the outcome you can't wait to come out of despair buried... Passion give out only a heart of worship breathing ecstasy need not be ashamed if cang...

夏日餐厅 鲜花数独 小姐 夏日风华 美容店 小婴儿智斗大蜘蛛 打扮小马驹 周末逛超市 开家小旅馆...皇家婚礼烟花会 开心仲夏夜 小婴儿逃出窑洞 测试你的婚姻观...对应英文:Summer restaurant flowers Sudoku miss summer elegance beauty shop baby with big spider dressed pony weekend strolls the supermarket open a small hotel... The royal wedding fireworks will be happy midsummer night baby escape from the cave to test your marriage...


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