

风干物燥火易生对应英文:Dry matter fire prone

蜂王浆等滋阴润躁的食品。 而药膳方面,可以选择桑叶、天花粉、石斛,沙参等养阴生津之品。大便秘结时更应加强纤维素的摄取,并避免辛辣刺激及油炸食品,即所谓"欲得长生...对应英文:Royal jelly, nourishing yin and moistening hot food. The diet aspect, can choose the mulberry leaf, Radix trichosanthis, Dendrobium, Radix Yangyin Shengjin products. Constipation is more should strengthen the intake of cellulose, and avoid spicy and fried foods, the so-called "desire for longevity...

早晨洁面和护肤后涂抹防晒乳(晚间须首先卸妆)即可有效缓解肌肤干燥,唇膏用一般的可以,增加涂抹次数,薄薄一层以双唇按摩即可。对应英文:The morning after cleansing and skin smear sunscreen (night must be remover) can effectively relieve dry skin, lipstick in general can, to increase the number of smear, a thin layer of the lips massage.

在我国,月日的月日数恰好与火警电话号码相同,而且这一天前后,正值风干物燥、火灾多发之际,全国各地都在紧锣密鼓地开展冬季防火工作。为增加全民的消防安全意识...对应英文:In our country, several months on exactly the same day and fire alarm telephone number, and the day after, when dry, fire prone on the occasion, all over the country are wildly beating gongs and drums of winter fire prevention work. In order to increase the awareness of fire safety...

()将布袋在煮过的花椒水中浸泡,把凉干的大米放在风干后的袋子中,再用纱布包些当年新花椒,分别放在米的上...大米久存易生蛀虫,故应随吃随买。大米买回后应装入米桶(缸),...对应英文:() the bag soaked in pepper water boiled, the cool dry rice on the dry bag, then gauze wrap some of the new Chinese prickly ash, respectively on the meter... Jiu Cun prone rice borer, therefore should eat with along with buy. Rice buy should be loaded into m barrels (cylinder),...

国际消防日月日的月日数恰好与火警电话号码相同,而且在这一天前后,正值风干物燥,火灾多发实节,全国各地都在紧锣密鼓地开展冬季防火工作。对应英文:A number of international day of fire day exactly the same with the fire alarm telephone number, but in this day, when dry, fire prone real Festival, all over the country are wildly beating gongs and drums of winter fire prevention work.

他来到了庙中喝完了庙中的水,又挑了一桶,之后三人都不愿挑水,杨柳也谢了,最后风干物燥,老鼠横行,引起了一场大火,三人奋力救火.风波平息后,三人通力合作打水.一个和尚...对应英文:He came to the temple of the temple of drinking water, and pick a barrel, after three people are unwilling to carry water, Yang also thanked, finally dry, mice, started a fire, three people struggling to put out the fire. The calm after the storm, three people act with united strength water. A monk...

月日的月日数恰好与火警电话号码相同,而且这一天前后,正值风干物燥、火灾多发之际,全国各地都在紧锣密鼓地开展冬季防火工作。为增加全民的消防安全意识,使"...对应英文:A few months on July exactly the same and fire alarm telephone number, and the day after, when dry, fire prone on the occasion, all over the country are wildly beating gongs and drums of winter fire prevention work. In order to increase the fire safety consciousness of the people, the"...

月黑风高杀人夜 ,风干物燥放火天。(纯属搞笑)对应英文:In the heat of the night, dry fire day. (funny)

风干物燥 身体要"灭火" 和自然界一样,体内的阳气大盛,容易导致"上火"若不及时灭火,会引发疾病. 空气干燥度大,体内水分大量丢失不及时补充,不能保持...对应英文:Dry the body to "fire" and nature, Yang Sheng in the body, easily lead to "get angry" if not timely extinguishing, causes the disease. Air drying degree, a large number of body water loss is not timely supplement, can't keep...

每天,天刚蒙蒙亮,他就起床,里里外外打扫得干干净净,为主人烧好茶水。然后开始干起了染布的活儿。 这样持续...杨柳也谢了,最后风干物燥,老鼠横行,引起了一场大火,三人奋力...对应英文:Every day, just before dawn, he would get up, clean inside, as the masters cooked tea. And then began to dry up the cloth. Such continued... Yang also thanked, finally dry, mice, started a fire, three people struggling to...


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