

老不看西游对应英文:The old do not look at the journey to the West

老不看西游 ,就是说,少年不要学习算计人的事,要与人为善,老年人已经时日不多,怎能看那些鬼神的故事对应英文:The old do not look at the west, that is to say, children don't learn what to calculate a person, for the good of others, the elderly have not much time, how can we see the ghost story

机谋,计策,等有益情节,慢慢品尝,回味无穷。而西游则是梦幻,稀奇,年轻人喜欢!对应英文:Stratagem, stratagem, the plot, taste slowly, lead a person to endless aftertastes. While the west is fantastic, wonderful, young people like!

有一句谚语"少不看西游,老不看三国",意思是西游充满了很多神奇色彩,小孩天性就是天真,爱幻想,看了西游就更认为这些不现实的东西是现实的,这样会让他们更幻想的,对身心...对应英文:There is a saying "less swims on the west, the old do not look at the Three Kingdoms", meaning is the journey is full of magical color, the child is innocent nature, love fantasy, see the West more does not think these are the reality of what is real, this will make them more fantasy, on the body and the mind...

少不看水浒,老不看三国 少不看水浒---青少年本身就是火气旺的时候看了水浒这样的书火气就更大了 老不看三国---三国里计谋很多,中老年人本来就经验多看了三国就更是老...对应英文:Less water, the old do not look at the Three Kingdoms less water margin - Youth itself is when anger Wang saw all this book much more old do not look at the three - in strategy, the elderly have more experience to see the three more is old...

有些说 少不读水浒 暴力 老不读三国 狡诈 男不读西游 不恋家 女不读红楼 感伤 又有说 少不读西游 乱遐想 老不读三国 狡诈 男不读水浒 暴力 女不读红楼 同上 其实 想想...对应英文:Some say less read Shuihu violent old does not read the Three Kingdoms cunning men don't read west don't love women don't read a sentimental and say less read west disorderly daydream old don't read the cunning men don't read the violent female not reading the book. As a matter of fact...

少年血气方刚,看了水浒就想着打架,少年天真浪漫看了西游整天胡思乱想。女看了红楼则容易多愁伤感。对应英文:Youth full of sap, watching the water margin is thinking about fighting, young naive romantic look west day make blind and disorderly conjectures. Women see Lou easily sentimental.

少不看水浒,男不看西游,女不看红楼。 说的是 老不看三国省得狡诈,少不看水浒省得打架,男不看西游省得不听话,女不看红楼省得不能嫁对应英文:Less water, men do not look west, women don't see red. That is not to see old three so cunning, so less water fight, men do not look westward journey won't listen, so don't marry a female not to see

"老不看三国"意味着老人要学会平静,淡泊名利,返璞归真,别依仗着自己的人生阅历丰富老练与人计较心眼,小谋..."男不看西游"的四位主人公一个婆婆妈妈,妇人之仁一个自傲自...对应英文:"The old do not look at the Three Kingdoms" means that the old man must learn to calm, indifferent to fame and wealth, recover one's original simplicity, don't rely on his life experience to mature and others heart, small for... "Men do not see swims on the west" of the four heroines a womanishly fussy, woman's soft nature a pride of self...

应该是少不看水浒,老不看三国。 我感觉年轻的时候看水浒可能被水浒里面的人物所感染。容易走向极端。 老不看三国是因为一个词叫做老谋深算。对应英文:Should be less water, the old do not look at the three kingdoms. I feel younger reading may be infected by the Shuihu characters. Easy to go to extremes. The old do not look at the Three Kingdoms is because a word called make every move only after mature deliberation.

少不看水浒,老不看三国,为什么呢因为水浒教人造反,三国教人谋略。""三国演义中,刘备的比较高,明明是个无赖,却有关羽和张飞愿舍命追随,三顾茅庐就收买了诸葛孔明的...对应英文:Less water, the old do not look at the Three Kingdoms, why because Shuihu taught rebellion, three teaching strategies. "The romance of the Three Kingdoms" in, Liu Bei is high, it is a rogue, but Guan Yu and Zhang Feiyuan give his life to follow, to call on sb. repeatedly had bought Zhuge Kongming's...


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