

吹胡子瞪眼对应英文:Be angry and fierce
释 义 形容很生气的样子。
    词 目
    发 音
    chuī hú zi dèng yǎn
    释 义
    出 处
    示 例

律师以吹胡子瞪眼维持生计。对应英文:The lawyer to be angry and fierce livelihood.

吹胡子瞪眼类: 这种好斗型也大多是男性。对应英文:Be angry and fierce class: this aggressive type of mostly male.

他们以为俄罗斯就只是一个大点儿冷淡点儿的法国,一会儿吹胡子瞪眼,一会儿吹捧逢迎,却不会去真干点什么。对应英文:They thought that Russia would just be a little colder France, while be angry and fierce, while flattery ingratiation, but not really doing what.

律师以吹胡子瞪眼维持生计。对应英文:The lawyer to be angry and fierce livelihood.

他们以为俄罗斯就只是一个大点儿冷淡点儿的法国,一会儿吹胡子瞪眼,一会儿吹捧逢迎,却不会去真干点什么。对应英文:They thought that Russia would just be a little colder France, while be angry and fierce, while flattery ingratiation, but not really doing what.

约瑟夫那可恶的老仆人又总是因为希斯克利夫和我不祈祷或不读《圣经》而对我们吹胡子瞪眼,当他状告到主人那儿,亨德雷肯定要惩罚我们。对应英文:That horrible old servant Joseph always because Heathcliff and I don't pray or read the "Bible" for us to be angry and fierce, when he tells his master, Hendry is sure to punish us.

其一:可追求老情人的女儿,使老情敌吹胡子瞪眼,(君子报仇,十年不晚)。不亦快哉!对应英文:It a: can pursue the old lover's daughter, the old rival be angry and fierce, (the gentleman revenge, no later than ten years). Not have kuaizai!

它可以是散播谣言、无端指责、大呼小叫、吹胡子瞪眼、打岔、放冷箭、贬低、羞辱或者设计陷害团队中的其他成员。对应英文:It can be spread rumors, groundless accusations, shout and wrangle, be angry and fierce, distracted, injure insidiously, belittle, insult or design against other members of the team.

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