

对事不对人对应英文:On the wrong things

对事不对人;对应英文:On the wrong things;

带著爱与公平来管教:对事不对人,以理而非以力服人。对应英文:With love and justice to discipline: on the wrong things, Daniel not submit by force.

对人不对事: 如果你的目标是这个人(“你是个恶心的作者”),而不是他们的行为,你会惹恼他们,使他们心存戒备,或是感觉受到伤害。对应英文:Ad hominem: if your goal is this person ("you're a lousy writer"), rather than their behavior, you will annoy them, make them feel alert, or feel hurt.

如果他能避免这样的错误,并且注意在发表评论时,对事不对人,那么他或许会发现自己非常适合目前这种局面。对应英文:If he can avoid such mistakes, and pay attention to comment, on the wrong things, he may find himself ideally suited to the situation.

他的很多批评,都是“对事不对人”的,不过,有些关于曾国藩的批评,被有心人传给曾国藩,曾当然觉得左忘恩负义。对应英文:Many of his critics, is "on the wrong things", however, some of the criticism of Zheng Guofan, was a pass to Zheng Guofan, who of course think that the left devoid of gratitude.

对事不对人;或对事无情,对人要有情;或做人第一,做事其次。对应英文:On the wrong things; or something cruel, for people to love; or life first, followed by work.

和人争论时,你可以控制住自己的脾气,真正做到对事不对人么?对应英文:And people's arguments, you can control your temper, really do the wrong thing?

做不到的事,别乱说;伤害人的事,不能说;讨厌的事,对事不对人的说;对应英文:To do or not to do, don't talk nonsense; injury of people, can not say; hate things, on the wrong things to say;

切忌过度理性,对负面情绪视而不见,认为处理冲突是对人不对事;对应英文:Avoid excessive rationality, negative emotion to pay no heed to, think dealing with conflict is wrong;

几年后,你可能会变得成熟一点,并且会意识到那些都只是对事不对人。对应英文:After a few years, you will become mature, and realise that it was just the wrong.

对人不对事: 如果你的目标是这个人(“你是个恶心的作者”),而不是他们的行为,你会惹恼他们,使他们心存戒备,或是感觉受到伤害。对应英文:Ad hominem: if your goal is this person ("you're a lousy writer"), rather than their behavior, you will annoy them, make them feel alert, or feel hurt.

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