

年少一身胆对应英文:As a common

匹马单枪敢独行,摧锋破敌任纵横,皆称飞虎一身胆,不负英雄千古名。是罗贯中对赵云的评价。出自《三国演义》 有一首诗称赞赵云匹马单枪敢独行,摧峰破敌任纵横。皆称飞...对应英文:A lonely horseman dare to walk alone, to the front to any aspect, is called the flying tiger a bile, not negative hero eternal name. Luo Guanzhong on Zhao Yun. From "the romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a poem praising Zhao Yun a lonely horseman dare to walk alone, to the peak to as aspect. Is said to fly...

英雄一身胆 闯阵七进出 胯下五花马 阳光照耀有阴影, 前面三个皆可直译 后面的阴影形似对应英文:Hero a break gall array seven import crotch five flowers sun shadow, in front of the three can be literal shadow behind the shape

龙因为有 披星戴月 驱雨来对应英文:The dragon because of flooding rain night

第二天,刘备来到赵云营寨,察看昨天作战的地方,不禁称赞说"子龙一身都是胆啊!"于是大摆宴席,作乐喝酒欢娱直到天黑。军中将士亦称呼赵云为虎威将军。 所以是 刘备 百度...对应英文:Second days, Liu Bei came to the Zhao Yun camp, see yesterday operational place, can not help but praise "Zi Long who is a common!" and a great feast, and drinking pleasure until dark. Military officers and men also addressing Zhao Yun as General Hu wei. So is Liu Bei Baidu...

千古兴亡多少事悠悠!不尽长江滚滚流。 年少万兜鍪,坐断东南战未休。天下英雄谁敌手曹刘!生子当如孙仲谋...密州出猎》--苏轼 老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,...对应英文:It has seen dynasties fall and rise as time flies or as the endless river rolls before my eyes. While young, sun had ten thousand men at his command; steeled in battles, he defended the southeastern land. World heroes who rival Cao Liu! When children such as Sun Zhongmou... Michigan hunting "-- Su Shi talk about the old hair young crazy, left hand right Qing Cang Huang. Jin hat dress,...

弱柳好花尽拆,晴陌,陌上少年郎。满身兰麝扑人香, 狂摩狂,狂摩狂。 记得那时相见,胆战,鬓乱四肢柔。泥人无语不抬头, 羞摩羞,羞摩羞。 夜久歌声怨咽,残月,菊冷露微微。...对应英文:Weak willows Haohua as open, sunny Mo, Mo young man. Covered with blue musk toward incense, mad mad mad mad friction, friction. Remember to meet, trembling, temples disorderly limbs soft. Clay figurine Speechless not look up, shame shame shame shame of friction, friction. Night long song resentment pharynx, the waning moon, chrysanthemum cold dew slightly. ...

民字五画,三民十五画,解为和值 三胆 两胆 一胆 两和、 独和 组选、、、、、 风向标解期太湖字谜 四海内 皆兄弟,暗示...对应英文:People's word five paintings, fifteen paintings, solution and three biliary bile bile of two and two, single and group selection,,,,, vane solution Taihu puzzle seas are all brothers, suggestion...

-- 自我简介 英俊潇洒 风流倜傥 玉树临风 年少多金 神勇威武 天下无敌 宇内第一寂寞高手 刀枪不入 唯我独尊 玉面郎君 仁者无敌 勇者无惧 金刚不坏 英...对应英文:Self introduction tall,stately and handsome young handsome, casual and elegant bearing gold fabulous mighty invincible in the first lonely master invulnerability stand upon one's pantofles jade face husband benevolent invincible fearless King Kong not bad english...

ヾ不浪漫的罪 你的温柔不再属于我 格格不入的少年 梦以断,泪成殇 习惯了你对我的不屑一顾° 人心善变, 红... 痴呆眼神有些落魄, 祭葬着年少)悲伤徳过往。 涐愿意为你放弃...对应英文:Not romantic sin you no longer belong to my young dream be misfits to break, tear into war used to you on my mind a contemptuous disregard ° fickle, red eyes... Dementia some LaPO, offering young German past sadness buried). I would like for you to give up...

原名王立达,籍贯广东,年生于印尼。十多岁来到香港。年少时略学过功夫,喜爱电影。年,考入邵氏"南国实验剧团"一期培训班,毕业后成为邵氏公司演员。年代初期,...对应英文:Formerly known as Wang Lida, was born in Guangdong, was born in indonesia. Ten year old came to Hongkong. I just learned Kung Fu, like film. Years, admitted to the shore of South China "experimental theater," a training course, after graduation to become Shaw Brothers actor. In the early 1990s,...


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