

交人交心对应英文:Make friends heart

大概是与人交往要诚心 交往推心置腹那种吧 要抓住事物的本质与重点 不能注重表面现象...对应英文:It is with people to treat a person with sincerity, sincere exchanges that to seize the essence of things and the focus can not focus on surface phenomena...

就是字面的意思,用心交朋友,如果你感觉对方很难懂,他就没有用心。对应英文:Is the literal meaning, make friends, if you feel each other very difficult, he had no intentions.

不过我们要具有识别能力啊 其实从这次起你就识别了这个所谓的朋友 不过 不要灰心 只要你用心去交了肯定会遇到和你一样用心交往的朋友对应英文:But we must have the ability to identify ah actually from this you will recognize the so-called friends, but don't be discouraged if you carefully to make sure meet like you with friends

只有心息相通,志趣相投,不以利害相趋避,不以宠辱相亲弃,可以同甘苦、共患难,相濡以沫的同志,方可引为知己高朋,寄之以义,托之以命,生死与共,不弃不离。对应英文:Only the heart rate is interlinked, like-minded, not to the pros and cons of aversion, not spoiled to abandon, can share the joys and sorrows, together, each other comrades, can be cited as a confidant friends, send to righteousness, support to life, go through thick and thin together, not abandon.

就是说一定要有所了解,而这种了解不是表面层次上的,要有内在的东西(心不是指真心这一点)对应英文:That is to say we must know something, and that this understanding is not the superficial level, to have something inside (the heart is not a true this)


意思大致就是要了解对方的想法和价值观、世界观对应英文:It is to understand each other's ideas and values, world outlook

送人玫瑰,手有余香。 投人木炭,手有余黑。 只有用真心才能寻到知己对应英文:Send person rose, the hand there are lingering fragrance. Investment more than black charcoal, hand. Only in my heart to find friends

人要心与心的沟通交际,用金钱结交的是狐朋狗友对应英文:People have heart to heart communication, money making is evil associates

知己即是对应英文:The friend is


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