

大门不出二门不迈对应英文:A closed two step

舰队失去了支配太平洋的能力,变成了内河或者近海舰队,大门不出二门不迈。对应英文:Unable to control the Pacific Fleet, into a river and coastal fleet, closed two step.

宅男宅女是自由思想和网络的衍生品,他们高举“自由”与“新人类”大旗,却终日大门不出、二门不迈、深居简出。对应英文:Indoorswoman is Indoorsman libertinism and network, they hold high the "freedom" and "human" banner, however all day not out of the gate, two gate is not Mai, reclusive.

舰队失去了支配太平洋的能力,变成了内河或者近海舰队,大门不出二门不迈。对应英文:Unable to control the Pacific Fleet, into a river and coastal fleet, closed two step.

宅男宅女是自由思想和网络的衍生品,他们高举“自由”与“新人类”大旗,却终日大门不出、二门不迈、深居简出。对应英文:Indoorswoman is Indoorsman libertinism and network, they hold high the "freedom" and "human" banner, however all day not out of the gate, two gate is not Mai, reclusive.



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