

郁郁不得志对应英文:Some frustrated
郁郁不得志,拼为yù yù bù dé zhì,指因自己的抱负志向不能施展而忧郁苦闷。出自《快心编》第七回。郁郁不得志(yùyùbùdézhì)

大多数演员都郁郁不得志,从未真正站到舞台中央。对应英文:Most actors and unappreciated, had never really stood to centre stage.

德国俱乐部汉堡新上任的阿内森希望从安菲尔德带走郁郁不得志的乔科尔。对应英文:German club Hamburg new arnesen hope away from anfield and unappreciated Joe cole.

这最终使他在中年郁郁不得志。对应英文:This eventually made him in the middle-aged and unappreciated.

大多数演员都郁郁不得志,从未真正站到舞台中央。对应英文:Most actors and unappreciated, had never really stood to centre stage.

德国俱乐部汉堡新上任的阿内森希望从安菲尔德带走郁郁不得志的乔科尔。对应英文:German club Hamburg new arnesen hope away from anfield and unappreciated Joe cole.

梵高的故事都是这样结束的:贫困潦倒郁郁不得志的画家朝自己的胸脯开了一枪,结束了自己的生命。对应英文:Van gogh: the end of the story is so poor and unappreciated artist in his chest open one gun, took their own lives.

学什么东西、做什么事情一定要基于兴趣,否则你总觉得郁郁不得志,总难免心不在焉、神游万里。对应英文:Learn what things, do things must be based on interest, otherwise you always feel some frustrated, always unavoidably absent-minded, fugue wanli.

一直以来我们听到的天才画家文森特·梵高的故事都是这样结束的:贫困潦倒郁郁不得志的画家朝自己的胸脯开了一枪,结束了自己的生命。对应英文:We've been heard genius painter Vincent van gogh: the end of the story is so poor and unappreciated artist in his chest open one gun, took their own lives.

但王充的理想并没有因为他的努力奋斗而实现,一生的郁郁不得志使他在晚年开始对“命”的深刻思考。对应英文:But wang chong's ideal didn't implement because of his hard work, life and frustrated that he began to "life" in his later years of the profound thinking.

在从乌迪内转会英超郁郁不得志之后,这个夏天28岁的多塞纳与那不勒斯传出转会。对应英文:Following his move from udinese in the premier league and unappreciated, 28, Andrea dossena and napoli this summer transfer.

你不能期待以相同的球员阵容去踢一周三赛,此外,倘若你每次都用同样的球员,那些郁郁不得志的人们将会变得不安分。对应英文:You can't expect the same squad to play a game on Wednesday, in addition, if every time you use the same player, the least frustrated people will become restless.


《快心编》第七回:“或因有才不售,郁郁不得志的。” 相关文献 万方数据期刊论文自我解体的悲歌--中岛敦《山月记》论 - 外国文学研究 - 2004 ( 5 ) 万方数据期刊论文朽木并非不可雕——发展低潜能员工之道 - 人力资本 - 2007 ( 5 ) 万方数据学位论文《越缦堂日记》研究 - 2005 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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