

不足以平民愤对应英文:Not enough to anger

不杀不足以平民愤!不足以慰民心!不足以为人道 不杀不足以告慰大汉英灵 不杀,不足以平民愤!不杀不足以慰民心! 谢谢采纳对应英文:Do not kill enough Pingmin Fen! Enough to comfort the hearts! Insufficient humanity not enough to kill to Han heroes do not kill, not anger! Don't kill enough to comfort the hearts! Thanks to adopt

具有法律效力,正式文体的文章不宜用非正式的语句,"不杀不足以平民愤"是口语化的句子,不能使用。 从法律的...社会正常的秩序的,不是用来安抚民愤的。而且有些民愤并不都是...对应英文:Have the force of law, formal style articles should not use informal statement, "don't kill enough Pingmin Fen" is a colloquial sentences, cannot use. From the legal... The normal social order, not to appease the anger. But some people are not...

帮助将"不杀不足以平民愤"这句话翻译成英文吧。中国的死刑判决书上常常用对应英文:Help will "do not kill enough Pingmin Fen" this sentence translated into English. Often with a death sentence Chinese

尽如人意对应英文:Just as one wishes

也可能是别的总之你没有看到过! 他们杀的是谁【罪大恶极、不杀不足以平民愤】 在来说这个"罪大恶极、不杀不足以平民愤" 这句话完全可以看出来你只是想替受害人出口...对应英文:Or maybe something else. You have not seen! They killed who commit the most heinous crimes, [do not kill enough Pingmin Fen] in this "commit the most heinous crimes, not kill in anger" this sentence can be seen just for victims of export...

因为他代表的是所有受凌辱的宋朝百姓。不需要大局,因为他一直带领着岳家军控制局势。顺便告诉你。西夏的国力不足以灭宋。更不可能灭金。即使宋金两败俱伤。西夏这个弹...对应英文:Because all the outrage of the Song Dynasty people he represents. Need not the overall situation, because he has led the army to control the situation. By the way tell you. The power is insufficient to eliminate song. Not out gold. Even though the song cause destruction to both sides. Xixia the bomb...

' .对应英文:'

的确是,杀人偿命,他活着也是受罪.警醒世人.对应英文:Indeed, a life for a life, he is alive and suffering. Alert the world

依法处置,死了一个强哥,但还有千千万个强哥,关键是法治健全,强哥在吊,也干不过法律对应英文:Disposed of in accordance with the law, the death of a strong brother, but there are tens of thousands of strong brother, the key is the rule is sound, strong brother in law, also do

花石纲虽荼毒百姓,但也仅限于东南一隅。北方的公田虽然导致了大部分农民的破产,却为城市工商业提供了充沛...历朝历代都是令人发指的恶行,不杀不足以平民愤,放到好汉们身...对应英文:Hua Shi Gang is our people, but also limited to the Southeast corner. The North Gong Tian while causing most peasants bankrupt, but for the city industry and commerce provides abundant... Dynasties is make one's hair stand on end evil, don't kill enough Pingmin Fen, to the heroes who...


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