

明知山有虎对应英文:Knowing that mountain tiger

(清)纪昀 著有个打柴的人,在山里走着走着遇到了一只老虎,他就躲到一个石洞里,老虎也跟着他进了洞。石洞本来幽深而曲折,打柴人辗转向里走,洞渐渐地容不下老虎了,可是...对应英文:(Qing) Ji Yun is the author of a woodcutter who, in the mountains walk encountered a tiger, he hid in a cave, the tiger also followed him into the hole. The cave was dark and winding, the woodcutter rolling turn away, hole gradually can not tolerate a tiger, but...

(清)纪昀 著 有个打柴的人,在山里走着走着遇到了一只老虎,他就躲到一个石洞里,老虎也跟着他进了洞。石洞本来幽深而曲折,打柴人辗转向里走,洞渐渐地容不下老虎了,可是...对应英文:(Qing) Ji Yun has a woodcutter who, in the mountains walk encountered a tiger, he hid in a cave, the tiger also followed him into the hole. The cave was dark and winding, the woodcutter rolling turn away, hole gradually can not tolerate a tiger, but...

不是,只能算是俗语。 歇后语是中国人民在生活实践中创造的一种特殊语言形式,是一种短小、风趣、形象的语句。它由前后两部分组成前一部分起"引子"作用,像谜语,后一部...对应英文:Not, can only be saying. Xiehouyu is a special form of language to create China people in the practice of life, is a short, witty, vivid sentence. It consists of two parts the first part of "Introduction", like a riddle, a...

明知山有虎..偏向虎山行 (二)虎 唐·李白 有身莫犯飞龙鳞,有手莫辫猛虎须。 宋·苏轼 陂塘水落荷将尽,城市人归虎欲行。 阿拉伯 毙虎者饱餐虎肉,畏虎者葬身虎口。...对应英文:That tiger mountain. Undeterred (two) Hu Tang Li Bai pregnant Mo made dragon scales, a hand Mo braid tiger must. Song Su Shi pond, lotus will do, city people to the tiger to line. Arabia shoot tiger meat meal, fear the tiger up inside. ...

何不想想知难而退 人们常用"知难而进"这句话赞赏那些为了达到目的,明知前途艰难困苦,险恶异常,却仍然矢志不渝,继续前进的人.但是,在我看来,有些时候知难而退,理智地放...对应英文:Why not think of the people often use "advance despite difficulties" this sentence appreciation to those in order to achieve the purpose of knowing the future, difficulties and hardships, sinister place, but still I won't change any day, continue to move forward. But, in my opinion, some time away, wisely put...

要从两个角度看 如果说是褒义的话 就是夸人英勇无畏 如果是贬义的话 就是指认任性妄为对应英文:To see if that is a commendatory word is praise the human brave if a word is identified willful from two angles

明知山有虎偏向虎山行 翻译 由十九世纪末开始,英国人常常用 这句话来比喻"不畏惧、不退缩,毅然处理困难或危险事情"...对应英文:That Tiger Mountain race for translation from the end of the nineteenth Century, British people often use this sentence to describe "do not fear, not shrink back, resolutely handling difficult or dangerous things"...

不放"或"钻牛角尖"。我们都知道,要打败蛮牛,首先要应付的自然是它的双角。西班牙斗牛士有时看着朝他胸腹插来的牛角避无可避,就会用手抓着保住性命。英国人这一招叫做...对应英文:Do not put "or" dead end". As we all know, to defeat the raging bull, first of all to cope with natural double angle it. Spanish Matador sometimes looked at him in the chest and abdomen to horn inevitably, will be holding hands to save lives. The British this trick is called...

呢还是坐视不理,惹不起还躲不起。价值层面上看其实都是个人的心理。寓言的寓意应该查一下。山、虎的定义(指代)说明下,不要纠结于寓言的寓意或是字面,应该跳出来从现实...对应英文:Or sit by and do nothing, you also can not afford to hide. Value view is the person's mental. The moral should check. The definition, Tiger Hill (refer to) explain the meaning, don't get in the fable or literal, should jump out from the reality...

是智取威虎山 杨子荣 共产党对应英文:Is tiger Yang Zirong the Communist Party


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