

药能医假病对应英文:Medicine can cure sick

多做事。凡事退一步,一山更比一山高,装疯卖傻不为过。大智若愚者为上策。低调做人,高调做事。病从心里起,健康的心态最为关键,所谓的病只不过是自我心里犯的错。酒不能...对应英文:Many things. We step back, more than one mountain mountain high, not to feign madness and act like an idiot. Still water runs deep into the best policy. A low-key man, a high-profile work. Disease from the heart, is the key to a healthy state of mind, the disease is only self heart mistake. Wine not...

今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日忧。 路逢险处难回避,事到头来不自由。药能医假病,酒不解真愁。 人贫不语,水平不流。一家养女百家求,一马不行百马忧。 有花方酌酒,无月不...对应英文:Enjoy while one can worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow. Lu Feng danger place hard to avoid, in the end is not free. Medicine can cure sick, what really worries about wine. Poverty is not language, level does not flow. An adopted daughter 100 for a horse, not worry. There are flowers square to pour wine, no month not...

药不医假病 心可懂真情对应英文:Medicine does not cure sick heart can know the truth

值此"八难"者,便于佛法无缘。灵丹妙药,只能医治命不该绝的病症同样,佛法广大,只能度化有缘的人。这就是俗语"药医不死病,佛度有缘人"的含义。如《醒世恒言》第十回"...对应英文:On the occasion of "eight difficult", so no margin of buddhism. A ready-made panacea can cure, life is not the most. Also, the Dharma is vast, only the degree of affinity for the people. This is common saying "die of disease medicine, Faldo someone" meaning. Such as "forward" Tenth times"...

诗书非药能医俗 道德无根可树人。 这是民间广为传诵的一副自勉重视读书和道德修养的佚名书斋联(此人无法查考)。上联说勤读"诗书",可以除掉鄙俗、平庸、愚昧和落后观...对应英文:No medicine can cure a secular morality without a treant. This is the folk widely a battle always pay attention to reading and moral accomplishment of anonymous study linked (who cannot search). The study of "Literature", can get rid of vulgar, mediocre, ignorant and backward concept...

药医不死病  佛度有缘人 据说佛是专门渡有佛缘的人的,众生要得到度化,出离生死苦海,必须要同佛法"有缘...灵丹妙药,只能医治命不该绝的病症。 生命真的很脆弱,人行路上...对应英文:Medicine deathless disease Faldo someone said that Buddha is specially Du have Buddha reason people, all to get the degree, out of the ocean of samsara, must have a ready-made panacea, Dharma "fortune... Only for life is not the most. Life is really fragile, on the sidewalk...

对应英文:CTYPE html PUBLIC

伤心绝望时总会告诫自己不要再回头,可是当那个人出现时又会犹豫,因为心还是牵记在他那边的。这种病无药可医,只有自己可以救治自己,别的什么也无能为力。对应英文:Despair will always remind ourselves not to go back, but when the people there will hesitate, because the heart is away on his side. The disease has no cure, only you can treat yourself, what also incapable of action.

能破则破一般不会遇到必死之命的人,如果那样的话那也没办法命数已尽,无能为力对应英文:Can be broken is broken in general will not meet the die life, if that's the case that there is no way hour has come, incapable of action

你是要写小说吧,还是古代人穿越现代治病的,嗯我来给你出出主意吧,最好你写完书名告诉我,我瞅瞅 .脑血栓 .糖尿病 .高血糖(压)对应英文:You are to write a novel, or the ancient people through modern medical treatment, well let me give you give an idea, you'd better finish the book told me, I see. Cerebral thrombosis. Diabetic hyperglycemia (pressure)


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