

吃人饭拉狗屎对应英文:To eat one meal pull shit

还有就是要看看狗狗呕吐情况,如果你的狗狗吃什么过段时间就会吐出来,甚至喝水都吐,而且肚子鼓胀,精神差。一定要马上送医,接受专业大夫的触诊,最好能拍个片子看看。...对应英文:There is to have a look the dog vomiting, if your dog to eat what time would spit it out, or even drink water spit, and belly bulge, poor spirit. Have to come back immediately, palpation receive professional doctor, best can take pictures and have a look. ...

以为自己是一辈子没有办法胖的那种人了,可是毕业之后还不是照样胖起来了,楼主不用急,拉屎少说明你肠胃好,特别是对水分吸收全面,建议多吃一点水果和蔬菜!对应英文:Think oneself is that kind of person for a lifetime not fat, but after graduation is not still fatter, you don't hurry, you shit less stomach is good, especially the full absorption of moisture, advice to eat more fruit and vegetables!

吃人饭拉狗屎形容某人没有人性,做了很多坏事。 初一一回十五一回大意是说一个人屡次犯错或是屡次做坏事之类的,和"屡教不改"含义相近。出家人不说在家话 什么身份说...对应英文:To eat one meal pull shit someone isn't human, do a lot of things. The first one back fifteen back to the effect that a person often mistakes or repeatedly do bad things like, similar to "incorrigible" meaning. The monk doesn't say in what identity...

人吃的饭是熟的,而且由口入,然后屎从菊花出。所以如果要倒过来,得让屎从菊花入,再加上一些与吃饭相同的其它条件,才有希望从口中出来饭,不过应该是咀嚼过的对应英文:People eat rice is ripe, but also by mouth, and then from the feces of chrysanthemum. So if you want to reverse, that shit from chrysanthemum, coupled with the same other conditions to eat some, hope to have a meal out from the mouth, but should be chewed

虽说吃一次两次未必就会传染上鼠疫等传染病,但建议以后不要到那儿吃饭。因为看来那儿的卫生条件实在很差啊!!对应英文:Although have a two times will not infect infectious diseases such as plague, but will not be there to eat. Because it seems there's health condition is very bad!!

你下次吃饭的时候给里面放块硬币 等拉出来你就知道了对应英文:The next time you eat to put coins and pull out you'll see

巧克力或者葡萄,鸡骨头等等 吃人吃的饭菜 人吃的饭饭一个是油太大,太咸或者有大量暴锅用的丛 蒜之类的东...的拉肚子呕吐.不必过于紧张.可以喂狗狗吃土霉素或者庆大霉素...对应英文:Chocolate or grape, chicken bones, eat people eat the food people eat food is a oil is too big, too salty or there is a large storm for pot plexus garlic and so on East... The diarrhea and vomiting. Don't be too nervous. Can feed the dog oxytetracycline or gentamicin...

把饭倒掉,然后对嘴和碗进行消毒对应英文:The rice is drained, and then disinfect the mouth and bowl

你喂的东西都是不好消化的亲,这时的小狗应少食多餐,狗不怕饿就怕撑,它们的消化系统和人是不一样的,不是咱们吃什么就给它们吃什么的,例如葱姜蒜、洋葱都不行,米饭也是...对应英文:You feed the things are not good digestion, dear, when the dog should eat much food less, the dogs are not afraid of hungry but support, digestive system and they are not the same, not what we eat to what they eat, such as onion ginger garlic, onions are not, Steamed Rice is...

食物从咀嚼就开始被消化,然后经过胃和小肠的进一步消化,这个过程需要~个小时,再加上推送到结肠排出来就得个小时了对应英文:The food has been digested from chewing, and then by further digestion of the stomach and small intestine, this process requires ~ hours, plus the colon to push out row will have hours


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