

中文词库素材对应英文:Chinese thesaurus material

可以有针对性的建立素材库,最有意义的建立词库,对申论可能用到的时政关键词有选择地进行收集,了解掌握其意义、用途、适用条件和对象,对阅读理解给定材料和作答试题很...对应英文:Can be targeted to build material database, the most significant building thesaurus, politics keyword may be used on selectively collect, understand its meaning, purpose, application conditions and object, on reading comprehension materials and answer questions is given...

白色+透明+溶图 把你要的效果发过来,大侠们参考一下,你的文字是文言文,我们理解不透。 新词,可以进入"搜狗新词库"了。对应英文:White transparent were the effect you want to reference, heroes, your words is the writings in classical style, we do not thoroughly understand. New words, can enter the "new thesaurus Sogou".

经过多种风格的文字素材测试,准确率高达%左右,跃居同行业整句输入第一位 &...精心校对、完善词库,丰富词汇万余条 版本 正式版...对应英文:Through a variety of styles of text material testing, high accuracy rate reached percent, in the same industry first sentence input

连音词练习,方言模糊音纠正练习,以及(汉语水平考试)字词的练习。这些练习给初学汉语或者汉语拼音水平...可以帮助用户以及智能输入法快速熟悉相关词库,极大提高专业文...对应英文:Linking words practice, dialect fuzzy tone correcting exercises, as well as (HSK) word exercises. These exercises for beginners of Chinese or Chinese Pinyin... Can help users and intelligent input method quickly familiar with the vocabulary, improve professional paper...

动物大象,海豚,恐龙,鸭嘴兽,老鼠,蟑螂,蝴蝶 文具纸,改正液,橡皮,钢笔,尺,书包 流行歌曲一千年以后,江南,木乃伊,洗刷刷,曹操,求佛 地名黄石,浙江,上海,台湾 食物鱼...对应英文:Animal elephants, dolphins, dinosaurs, the platypus, rats, cockroaches, butterflies, paper stationery, correction fluid, eraser, pen, ruler, bag of popular songs in one thousand years, Jiangnan, mummy, wash, Cao Cao, the Buddha of place names in Huangshi, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Taiwan food fish...

在线听听频道有海量的听力素材,比如疯狂英语系列、新概念英语(四册)、新英语句、实用口语等非常精品的听力素材。 支持离线词库导入背单词,可以把从网络上下载的...对应英文:Online listen to the channel is a mass of listening material, such as a series of Crazy English, new concept English (four volumes), new English words, practical speaking very fine listening material. Offline thesaurus into the word back, can be downloaded from the internet...

生单词随时查,而且查过的单词都会自动加入生词库,以便反复巩固。阅读素材也十分丰富,有当下最畅销的小说、著名报刊等,现在我已有很大的阅读量,为我的高考阅读理解打下...对应英文:Words always check, and check the words will automatically be added to the words, repeated consolidation. The reading material is also very rich, is the best-selling novel, the famous newspaper, now I have a large amount of reading, reading comprehension for college entrance examination I lay...

自己做零散阅读的时候积累自己的自主词库,类比,同反义归类。 零散练习,巴郎, , ,... 写作首先归纳素材,其次写段落,最后练文章。 数学我认为不是...对应英文:To do their own reading accumulation when scattered independent thesaurus, their analog, with antisense classification. The scattered practice, Baron,,,... Writing first inductive material, then write paragraphs, finally writing. I do not think mathematics...

自己做零散阅读的时候积累自己的自主词库,类比,同反义归类。零散练习,巴郎, , ,...写作首先归纳素材,其次写段落,最后练文章。数学我认为不是很...对应英文:To do their own reading accumulation when scattered independent thesaurus, their analog, with antisense classification. The scattered practice, Baron,,,... Writing first inductive material, then write paragraphs, finally writing. I think it is not mathematics...

二、塑造的人物过于模式化。汉语是一种伟大美丽的语言,汉语词库里用来形容人的形容词不胜枚举,很遗憾,我们大部分同学写人的时候,都把人写得很完美,缺乏真实的感觉,...对应英文:Two, create patterns of figures too. Chinese is a great and beautiful language, Chinese Thesaurus is used to describe the adjectives to describe people be too numerous to enumerate, unfortunately, most of the students write, writes the human very perfect, lack of true feelings,...


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