

八字还没有一撇对应英文:The character is not a pie
比喻事情毫无眉目,未见端绪。  八字还没有一撇   拼音:    解释: 1.见"八字没见一撇"。  




就是还没开始对应英文:You haven't started

"意为不露端倪。后作"八字没见一撇"、"八字还没有一撇",比喻事情还没有一点眉目。如《儿女英雄传》第二九回"不然,姐姐只想,也有个八字儿没见一撇儿,我就敢冒冒失失把...对应英文:"Meaning don't show. After "character did not see a pie", "the character is not a pie", means it has no features. Such as "heroes and heroines" article two nine "otherwise, sister want to, also has a character didn't see a son, I would dare to rashly to...

就是说一件事还没开始 或者 还没有成功的可能对应英文:That is to say one thing has not started or has not the possibility of success

圣贤们已经是一个八字打开了,即一撇再一撇(捺),而普通人还没有自己领悟(其中的道理)。根据这看现在的'八字...凡是事情还没摸着头脑端绪的,(我们)就叫做'八字还不见两撇'...对应英文:Sages is a with various pulls, namely a again left (NA), and ordinary people do not have their own understanding (the truth). According to this view now 'character... All things haven't touched the dawning of mind, (we) is called' it is still not see two skimmed'...

八字,简单地说就是人的出生年、月、日、时。 八字,就是八个字。人出生的年、月、日、时可以用八个字来表示...后来,人们就把这引申出来,形容一个人事情没有做成,就说八字还没一撇...对应英文:The character, which is simply the birth year, month, day, time. Eight, is eight words. Of people born in the year, month, day, can use eight words to say... Later, people took this came to describe a person, things don't get done, that it is not in the mood...

圣贤们已经是一个八字打开了,即一撇再一撇(捺),而普通人还没有自己领悟(其中的道理)。根据这看现在的'八字...(我们)就叫做'八字还不见两撇' 明白了不对应英文:Sages is a with various pulls, namely a again left (NA), and ordinary people do not have their own understanding (the truth). According to this view now 'character... (we) is called' it is still not see two skimmed 'know not

什么事情还没有眉目对应英文:What things can't get

"八字没一撇"就是这个意思。 而且它由来是有一个典故的。 南宋理学家朱熹(-)字元晦,江西婺源人,...八字没一撇,即是没有门,现时,我们常说的"没门儿"(意思是不可...对应英文:"Nothing left" means it. But it is a story of the origin of. The Southern Song Dynasty scholar Zhu Xi (-) Yuan Hui, Jiangxi Wuyuan people,... Character did not write one, that is not the door, at present, we often say "no way" (meaning not...

"八字还没一撇"比喻事情还没有眉目。 试想想,"八"字是怎么写的第一笔是"丿",第一笔"丿"都没写,怎么会有完整的"八"字。 "八字还没一撇"最开始是用来形容男女婚姻的,"...对应英文:"It is still not a" means it can't get. Come to think of it, the word "eight" is how to write the first is the "pie", the first "and" did not write, how can there be a complete "eight" word. "It is not in the mood" was first used to describe the marriage,"...

应该是八字还没有一撇 "八字还没一撇"比喻事情还没有眉目。 试想想,"八"字是怎么写的第一笔是"丿",第一笔"丿"都没写,怎么会有完整的"八"字。对应英文:It is the character is not a "haven't even gotten started" means it can't get. Come to think of it, the word "eight" is how to write the first is the "pie", the first "and" did not write, how can there be a complete "eight" word.


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