

婊子无情对应英文:Ruthless bitch

婊子无情,在古代小说中落有所闻。古代嫖客一旦在妓女身上花费得"弹尽粮绝",老鸨就会和妓女联合起来,把嫖客无情地赶出去。近来上网看新闻,发现老鸨和妓女对嫖客的无情...对应英文:Ruthless bitch, first heard in ancient novels. The ancient once clients with harlots spend "run out of ammunition and food supplies", the procuress and prostitutes will unite, the clients relentlessly drive out. Recently read online news, found the procuress and prostitutes for clients ruthless...

在以前,婊子与戏子之间没有明确的界限,一般妓女也卖艺,而艺人也卖身,都是"吃花饭"的.所以被大家...说尽花言巧语,所以大家认为他们都是无情无义的人. 其实这些全...对应英文:In the past, no clear boundaries between the bitch and actor, general hooker also busk, but artists have sold, are "eating flower rice". So it was you... Said blandishments, so we think they are. In fact, all of these show ingratitude for favours...

在以前,婊子与戏子之间没有明确的界限,一般妓女也卖艺,而艺人也卖身,都是"吃花饭"的.所以...说尽花言巧语,所以大家认为他们都是无情无义的人.其实这些全...对应英文:In the past, no clear boundaries between the bitch and actor, general hooker also busk, but artists have sold, are "eating flower rice". So... Say blandishments, so we think they are. In fact, all of these show ingratitude for favours...


, 查看原帖对应英文:The original post, view

《霸王别姬》婊子无情,戏子无义 婊子无情,戏子无义。 菊仙曾是花满楼里的头牌红姑娘,玲珑剔透,阅尽世情的她逢场作戏本是家常便饭,从不轻易动心,但或许是冤孽,偏生让...对应英文:"Farewell to My Concubine" ruthless bitch, the actor has no meaning ruthless bitch, the actor has no meaning. Chrysanthemum was red girl, first flowers of exquisitely carved, read to the world of her every field, play is homely food, never mind, but maybe it is evil, he let...

婊子无情,戏子无义。 婊子只该在床上有情,戏子,只能在台上有义对应英文:Ruthless bitch, the actor has no meaning. Bitch the sentient beings, in bed actor, can only have meaning in table

俗语说戏子无情,婊子无义,也不全对。人是情感的动物,本性纯善,奈何尘缘俗事,生存维艰,在其中沉浮堕落,谁又是真正的坏人哪奈何世俗之人为道德礼教偏见所束缚,不肯承认...对应英文:They say the actor is heartless, the whore does not have righteousness, not on. People are emotional animal, nature pure good, but one earth, struggling in the fall, ups and downs, who is bound by the true human moral ethics which how worldly prejudice, refused to admit...

婊子无情,戏子无义。对应英文:Ruthless bitch, the actor has no meaning.

这绝对是真理啊!尤其是现在,更是这样的!小心上当.对应英文:This is absolutely the truth! Especially now, even more so! Be careful fooled


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