

不足为外人道对应英文:Inadequate for humanity
不足为外人道,不必跟外面的人说。现多用于要求别人不要把有关的事告诉其他的人。出处 晋·陶潜《桃花源记》。
    词 目
    发 音
    bù zú wéi wài rén dào
    释 义
    出 处

在漫长的封建社会,“性爱”是“不洁”的象征,是私密生活,不足也不值为外人道也。对应英文:In the long feudal society, "sex" is the symbol of "dirty", is a private life, is also worth for humanity is also.

旅游规划评审时甲方、乙方与评委会三方“博弈”,派生出一系列“不足为外人道”的潜规则。对应英文:Tourism planning and review of party a and party b and the jury "game", derive a series of "insufficient for humanitarian" hidden rules.

作为一个也许是世界上最“不足为外人道也”的国家,朝鲜足协的声明到底是世界球坛新崛起的力量发出的战斗呐喊,或者只不过是这个靠洗脑维持的国家的空虚咆哮呢?对应英文:As one may be the world's most "insufficient for humanity is also" country, north Korea's announcement on the fa is the world's ball from the rising power of battle cry, or just the brainwashing for a nation of empty roar?

我一进屋,就能进入角色,潜心默读,坐拥书城,其乐实在是不足为外人道也。对应英文:As soon as I entered the room, I can enter the role, and read silently, sitting on books, is insufficient for humanity is also.

在漫长的封建社会,“性爱”是“不洁”的象征,是私密生活,不足也不值为外人道也。对应英文:In the long feudal society, "sex" is the symbol of "dirty", is a private life, is also worth for humanity is also.

作为一个也许是世界上最“不足为外人道也”的国家,朝鲜足协的声明到底是世界球坛新崛起的力量发出的战斗呐喊,或者只不过是这个靠洗脑维持的国家的空虚咆哮呢?对应英文:As one may be the world's most "insufficient for humanity is also" country, north Korea's announcement on the fa is the world's ball from the rising power of battle cry, or just the brainwashing for a nation of empty roar?

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