

凡事预则立对应英文:Do we stand

凡事预则立。让我们希望能有更多的研究去阻止此事的发生的方法,比如种植合适的树木等等。对应英文:Everything is set.

必然要走入社会的在校大学生应从现在起为未来的社会生活做准备,因为凡事预则立,不预则废。对应英文:Is bound to stepping into the society of the college students from now on to prepare for the future of social life, because everything is made, BuYuZeFei.

凡事预则立。让我们希望能有更多的研究去阻止此事的发生的方法,比如种植合适的树木等等。对应英文:Everything is set.

必然要走入社会的在校大学生应从现在起为未来的社会生活做准备,因为凡事预则立,不预则废。对应英文:Is bound to stepping into the society of the college students from now on to prepare for the future of social life, because everything is made, BuYuZeFei.


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