

可望而不可及对应英文:Could only dream of
  可望而不可及   拼音: kě wàng ér bù kě jí 简拼: kwebk   近义词: 可望不可即 反义词:    用法: 复句式;作谓语、分句;含贬义   解释: 指只可仰望而不可接近   出处: 郭沫若《月蚀》:“可望而不可及的古之人,你们的鼓声透过了几千万重的黑幕,传达到我耳里来了!”   例子:    谒后语:    谜语:    成语故事:     相关成语   可望不可即可望而不可及可望而不可即    




我们能在3公里外看到那些山丘,当时有一种可望而不可及的感觉。对应英文:We can see the hills in 3 kilometers away, there was a feeling can only dream of.

由于妇女们对他的统治是至关重要的,他害怕如果让人知道他变得可望而不可及,他会像好莱坞明星那样,对妇女们的魅力将不复存在。对应英文:Because women is crucial to his rule, he was afraid that if people knew he could only dream of, he would like a Hollywood star, for women's charm will cease to exist.

我们能在3公里外看到那些山丘,当时有一种可望而不可及的感觉。对应英文:We can see the hills in 3 kilometers away, there was a feeling can only dream of.

由于妇女们对他的统治是至关重要的,他害怕如果让人知道他变得可望而不可及,他会像好莱坞明星那样,对妇女们的魅力将不复存在。对应英文:Because women is crucial to his rule, he was afraid that if people knew he could only dream of, he would like a Hollywood star, for women's charm will cease to exist.

我们时常见到一种若隐若现、可望而不可及、缥缈如卧花之梦的景象在空间或我们自己的脑海中浮动。对应英文:We often see a loom, and, as a lie the flower dream scene floating in space, or our own mind.

以股市一半的风险来套取同样回报的目标对于我来说如同乌托邦那样可望而不可及。对应英文:In the stock market to half the risk of equity-like returns goal for me as a utopia could only dream of.

这正是那种可望而不可及的境界:这种幸福永不枯萎,而且再不会有新的欲望得陇望蜀般地从其中滋生出细芽。对应英文:This is the kind and state: this kind of happiness never wither, and there will be no new desires rising breed fine shoots out of it.

基于地点的服务、高速网络和非常复杂的手机在 2001 年仍然是可望而不可及的。对应英文:Location based service, high-speed Internet and very complex mobile phone in 2001, is still can only dream of.

对BP来说,收获就是在中东获得了开采原油的少有机会。 世界大部分石油都集中在中东,而该地区对很多大型石油公司都是可望而不可及的。对应英文:For BP, the harvest is the rare opportunity won the exploitation of crude oil in the Middle East.

卫生专家说,使用高科技高效快速地传播公共卫生方面的信息是一种趋势。 这在数十年前爆发世界范围内致命传染病时是可望而不可及的。对应英文:Health experts say, the use of high-tech efficient information spread quickly in public health is a trend.

但是要准确的将一个高阶思维移植,从现在来看,仍然只是可望而不可及。对应英文:But be accurate to transplant a higher-order thinking, from the point of now, still just could only dream of.

这里是一片未被驯化的野生丛林,里面既没有道路,也没有任何基础设施,对外国游客来说更是可望而不可及。对应英文:Here is a patch of domesticated wild jungle, neither road inside, there is no infrastructure, but could only for foreign tourists.

可望而不可及的成果,Sierra说,应该是其它器官组织的细胞老化研究,特别是不同类别基因正常的健康老鼠的大脑细胞。对应英文:Can only dream of achievement, says Sierra, should be cellular aging research of other organs and tissues, especially the different categories of healthy mice that were genetically normal brain cells.

投奔韩国的朝鲜人称,买一部手机以及使用的花费,对于大多数人来说可望而不可及。对应英文:To north Korea, South Korea said, buy a mobile phone and use cost, for most people could only dream of.

如果只是空有满腹理想抱负,而不愿付出实际行动,那只能是纸上谈兵,那样的人对于他们所谓的理想只能是可望而不可及。对应英文:If there are full of ambition only empty, rather than pay a practical action, it can only be an armchair strategist, like what they called the ideal can only be could only dream of.

生活中的许多事物都是可望而不可及的,如果我们刻意去追求,最终还是一无所获。对应英文:Many of the things in life are and, if we deliberately go to pursue, ultimately nothing.

影片主题正是要展现一个充满恶之花的世界,在这个世界里,所有可能的美好不过是生活中那海市蜃楼一般的幻象,可望而不可及。对应英文:Movie theme is to show a world full of flowers of evil, in the world, all possible is but a good life in the illusion, like a mirage could only dream of.

这个小组提醒道,这些趋势的持续将会导致大多数美国民众对高等教育可望而不可及。对应英文:The group warns that these trends continue will lead to most americans for higher education could only dream of.

本属全民的旅游资源空有虚名,在市场经济的席卷下,它成为大多民众可望而不可及的诱惑。对应英文:This empty of national tourism resources with a false reputation, under the market economy that the temptation of it become most people could only dream of.

在这物欲横流的社会,爱情,似乎成了可望而不可及的东西。对应英文:In this materialistic society, love, seems to be a can only dream of.

购买自己心仪的俱乐部对于大多数人来说不过是一个可望而不可及的梦想,他们只能在虚幻的网络空间电脑游戏中寻求施展自己经营理念的天地。对应英文:Buy yourself the right club for most people is just a dream, and they can only in the virtual network space computer games for his philosophy of heaven and earth.

考虑到接下来的经济减速,巴政府的收入目标似乎是可望而不可及的。对应英文:Considering the next economic slowdown, the government's revenue target seems can only dream of.


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