

树大风难摧对应英文:Strong winds can destroy the tree

已知,折断处离地面米,树的顶端离地面树根处米, 由勾股定理(勾股弦)可得折断处到树的顶端为米, 所以,这棵树高是 + 米。对应英文:Known, the ground meters from the broken point, the top of the tree from the ground root meters, by the Pythagorean theorem (Pythagorean) can be broken into the tree top to meters, so, this tree is meters high.

算出的 就可以了 +与+的比较而已,由向坐条垂线,这样。后面就超简单了,沟谷定理求就完事了对应英文:The calculated can be compared with it, to sit by a vertical line, like this. The back is super easy, gully theorem and

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

走最近对应英文:The nearest

引申的意思是任何事情都有人评价,不要太计较别人的看法。举例来说,梧桐树被大风吹倒,有人会认为是凤凰不再归来的预兆,不是好事有人觉得树倒了,视野更开阔,未必是坏...对应英文:Used to mean to have anything evaluation, don't care about the opinions of others. For example, trees were blown down by wind, some people will think it is a phoenix no return, not good people think the tree fell, more open field of vision, is not necessarily a bad...

玫瑰花开香又美,他又说,玫瑰有剌儿扎的慌,好花哪怕众人讲,经风经雨分外香,大风吹倒了梧桐树,自有旁人论短长。虽然是满园的花好无心赏,阮妈你带路我要回绣房。对应英文:Roses fragrant and beautiful, he added, roses have thorns pony panic, flowers even if they say, after the wind after the rain, especially fragrant, the wind blew down the tree, its own people on short. Although the garden flowers without reward, Ruan's mother you the way I want to go back to the boudoir.

把树吹倒了的不安感,表示你对不能施展自己能力的焦虑.对应英文:Put the tree blew down the sense of unease, you display their ability to not anxiety

,+ 比较二者大小延长到,使Δ为直角三角形。则为两棵树之间的水平距离为米。 在Δ,由勾股定理得√(*-*)米。且+ 米。 在Δ...对应英文:Comparison of two, extended to the size, the delta is a right angled triangle. Is between two tree distance meter. In the Delta, have to tick by the Pythagorean theorem (breath) M. And m. In the delta...

外界环境的变动,影响 还有内心一些不稳定的情绪波动 风越大,反映这些不安的因素作用越大 而树代表内心的一些信念 被刮折了,表示信念受到了动摇对应英文:The external environment changes, influence and inner some unstable mood swings, the greater the wind, reflect these disturbing factors more and some belief tree represents the inner scraped off, that faith was shaken

任何事都逃不过别人的口舌,别去在意。对应英文:Anything escape others tongue, don't care.


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