

以大局为重对应英文:To the general situation as heavy

采访中,许多村民依旧对这片旧土依依不舍,但谈及这次搬迁,他们说得最多的还是“以大局为重”这句话。对应英文:Interview, many villagers are still coming to this piece of old soil, but when it comes to the move, they say most is "bigger picture" this sentence.

我们衷心希望两族人民能以大局为重,避免采取任何可能导致问题进一步复杂化,扩大化的行动。对应英文:We sincerely hope the two peoples to the general situation as heavy, to avoid any that could complicate the problem further, expansion of the action.

相信双方会以和平大局为重,继续在互谅互让的基础上,通过谈判与协商解决相关问题。对应英文:Believe that both sides will take peaceful situation as heavy, to continue on the basis of the two-way street, settled through negotiation and consultation related issues.

采访中,许多村民依旧对这片旧土依依不舍,但谈及这次搬迁,他们说得最多的还是“以大局为重”这句话。对应英文:Interview, many villagers are still coming to this piece of old soil, but when it comes to the move, they say most is "bigger picture" this sentence.

我们衷心希望两族人民能以大局为重,避免采取任何可能导致问题进一步复杂化,扩大化的行动。对应英文:We sincerely hope the two peoples to the general situation as heavy, to avoid any that could complicate the problem further, expansion of the action.

相信双方会以和平大局为重,继续在互谅互让的基础上,通过谈判与协商解决相关问题。对应英文:Believe that both sides will take peaceful situation as heavy, to continue on the basis of the two-way street, settled through negotiation and consultation related issues.

这是我们必须采取的以大局为重之方法的一部分,包括如粮食贸易方面的思考,以及我们的货币政策。对应英文:This is we have to take to a part of the way of the big picture first, including thinking, such as food trade and our monetary policy.

必须以两国合作大局为重,加强风险控制和分歧管理,不能因不同而不睦。对应英文:Must to cooperation between the two countries the general situation as heavy, strengthen risk control and management, and not because of the different don't agree.

朝鲜也应以大局为重,竭尽克制,为双方安全考虑,停止针对对方人员的高危行动。对应英文:North Korea also should put the big picture first, try to control, security for both sides to stop high-risk action against the other personnel.

当个人利益与集体利益发生矛盾时,我们的选择就以大局为重,因为集体主义更有效。对应英文:When individual interests and collective interests conflict, to the general situation as heavy, our options are more effective because of collectivism.

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