

窗户纸一点就破对应英文:A little bit of broken window paper

一个小小的暗示,讲个笑话。逗逗这在旁人看来都很暧昧啊。你只是当局者迷罢了对应英文:A small hint, tell a joke. Funny that it appears in others is ambiguous. You just Those closely involved cannot see clearly.

爱她《他》就站在他们的角度想想。不对的可以找时间来谈心。把问题说白了。有些问题说白了很容易让人原谅。但藏着很容易变成仇恨。别说没这么邪。我和我的女友能坚持...对应英文:Love her "he" stood in their way. Wrong can find time to talk. Put bluntly. Some of the problems that is very easy to forgive. But hidden easily become hatred. Don't say no so evil. My girlfriend and I can insist on...

这是朋友应该做的。 我个人认为适度的做法可以是,对男的多些鼓励,明示还是隐含的就靠你了。最好在双方都在场或在做同一件事的时候,发挥你们还称不上灯泡的灯泡作用,主...对应英文:This is what friends do. I personally think that the appropriate approach is to encourage more, man, express or implied on you. The best in both the presence or doing the same thing, lighting function you have not lighting, lord...

当然会来找你拉,你不说我们去了宾馆,她提出要求要坚守底线,还是相拥而睡,可是在一阵热吻之后,一切水到渠成,原本以为她会很生气,没想到反而却更加温柔依赖了,温顺的像...对应英文:Of course, will come to you, you do not say we went to the hotel, she requested to stick to the bottom line, or sleep, but in the burst after the kiss, all a matter of course, originally thought that she will be angry, did not think of but more gentle dependence, meek as...

不就是如何上你的学妹吗 彼此都有感觉还不好上吗不过你要记住一点。从牵手到上她,要有条理的过程。你的明白。 比如狂欢一晚上,晚了,你和你学妹不能回学校了。因为校...对应英文:Is not how you girls you are all feeling is not good. But you have to remember one thing. From the hand to her, process should be organized. You know. For example, the carnival night, late at night, you and your sister can't go back to school. Because the school...

啊。 比如要电话号码.问她借手机说打个电话。其实打到自己手机上面. 然后就知道电话号码了啊。 再进行短讯攻势...对应英文:Ah. Such as the phone number. She asked to borrow said mobile phone call. In fact, hit his own mobile phone. And then I will know the phone number. Then the SMS offensive...

慢慢来...说不好发生什么事情就能更熟悉些呢...要不就在她生日时做些惊喜的事 感动了 就自然熟悉了... 找找自己的原因为什么订婚了还有距离感....对应英文:Take it easy... Say bad what things can be more familiar with some... Or in her birthday do surprise move naturally familiar... The reason why your engagement and sense of distance...

应该是说一定要把话说白了对应英文:I should say must say white

自己去向他(她)说 如果是亲自说 说明你们人之前还没有欺骗与隐瞒 但如果是被他(她)听说 想必电视没少看吧结果应该是清楚的 会毁了你们对应英文:You ask him (her) said that if the person says that you haven't deception and concealment but if he (she) that presumably TV no less see results should be clear will ruin your

女生的想法很难懂的,既然你打电话不行,单独约也不行,短信和不是很好吗至少我没感觉太小家子气对应英文:The girl's ideas are difficult, since you phone no, alone and about not, text messages and is not very good at least I didn't feel too appearing nervous in public


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