

光天化日之下对应英文:In broad daylight

她不相信有人会光天化日之下侵犯一个女人。对应英文:She doesn't believe that there will be broad daylight assault a woman.

虽然我们尚未处在光天化日之下,但至少我们看到了曙光。对应英文:Although we have not yet in broad daylight, but at least we see the dawn.

他有一种说不出感觉,有点近乎恐怖,那是一种在光天化日之下,即使在沙漠里我们也怕被人看到的恐怖。对应英文:He has a say a feeling, a little close to terror, that is a broad daylight, even if we are afraid of being seen in the desert.

他有一种说不出感觉,有点近乎恐怖,那是一种在光天化日之下,即使在沙漠里我们也怕被人看到的恐怖。对应英文:He has a say a feeling, a little close to terror, that is a broad daylight, even if we are afraid of being seen in the desert.

但是就在我访行后的几天,一个巡逻队光天化日之下,在离酒吧只有四百米的地方被伏击了,结果一个士兵被杀,两名士兵重伤。对应英文:But in a few days after my visit, a patrol in broad daylight, where only four hundred meters from the bar to be ambushed, one soldier was killed and two wounded soldiers.

八月二十一号,梵高的作品在光天化日之下于马哈茂德·哈利勒博物馆被盗。对应英文:August 21st, van gogh's works in the mahmoud khalil museum in broad daylight is stolen.

有评论家认为,暴露在光天化日之下的源代码可能会被黑客盯上,招致风险。对应英文:Critics believe that exposure to daylight source code may be targeted by a hacker, a risk.

僵尸、海洛因,在光天化日之下一发不可收拾。对应英文:Zombies, heroin, in broad daylight.

由于Lady Gaga经常光天化日之下内衣外穿,再加上个击剑面罩,她到底会穿什么样的礼服呢? 粉丝们都对她的疯癫表现充满期待。对应英文:Because of Lady Gaga often wears outside underwear in broad daylight, plus a fencing mask, she would wear what kind of under?

遗憾的是,谋杀竟然发生在光天化日之下,没有人试图阻止它。对应英文:Unfortunately, the murder was happened in broad daylight, no one tried to stop it.

我当时想说但又没表达清楚的是,他们黑客的行径比光天化日之下抢劫还要恶劣。对应英文:I was trying to say but I can't express clearly, and they are the hacker's behavior is more severe than in broad daylight robbery.

邻居在光天化日之下裸体跳舞和嗑药。对应英文:Neighbor naked dancing and drugs in broad daylight.

我走了两条街找到一个加油站,回来发现一个女人正在光天化日之下偷我车里的东西。对应英文:I walked the two blocks to find a gas station, came back and found a woman steal from my car is broad daylight.

这里也是坟墓,甚至光天化日之下人们也要回避,生怕看见幽灵。对应英文:It is grave, even in broad daylight people also want to avoid, afraid to see ghost.

一位年迈的彩票销售员是昨天的殴打,在光天化日之下在尼科西亚民族中心组成员后,他告诉他们,他不同意用自己的信念。对应英文:An elderly lottery salesman is beaten yesterday, in broad daylight in Nicosia ethnic group members, after he told them that he didn't agree with his beliefs.

俱乐部希望在光天化日之下告诉世界他们的看法。对应英文:Club wants to tell the world their opinions in broad daylight.

成年雄性黑猩猩最有可能与异性分享于光天化日,当地人的众目睽睽之下获得的食物。对应英文:Adult males are most likely to share with the opposite sex in broad daylight, under the eyes of the locals to get food.

光天化日之下还感觉安全一些,于是我们下了车,在附近溜达,看看洗劫后留下的残迹。对应英文:Broad daylight still feel safer, so we got off the car and walk around the neighborhood, looking at the remnants of left.

她组织了约150名当地商户业主,潜伏在柯普利广场附近。 然后根据秘密的信号,所有人突然蹦出来,在光天化日之下就开始跳起事先排练好的舞蹈。对应英文:She organized some 150 local business owners, lurking near copley square.

光天化日之下,暴徒们在城区街道和购物市场用自动武器和枪榴弹相互射击。对应英文:In broad daylight, the mob in the city streets and shopping market with automatic weapons and grenade shooting each other.

四名巴勒斯坦枪手越过加沙地带的边境隔离墙,在光天化日之下大胆地袭击了以色列的一个货运关卡。对应英文:Four Palestinian gunmen across the border fence in gaza, in broad daylight boldly attacked a cargo crossing of Israel.

星期二在俄罗斯南部,几名枪手冲入该地区的议会大楼,在光天化日之下发动袭击,打死至少3人,打伤17人。对应英文:Tuesday in southern Russia, several gunmen stormed the parliament building in the region, in broad daylight attack, killing at least three people and wounded seventeen.

据哥伦比亚广播电视台报导,2004年8月22日,一伙持枪蒙面歹徒冲进了挪威奥斯陆的蒙克博物馆,在光天化日之下偷走了爱德华·蒙克的名作《呐喊》和《圣母》。对应英文:, according to a CBS television reported on August 22, 2004, a group of armed masked men rushed into the munch museum in Oslo in Norway, stolen in broad daylight, edvard munch's "scream" and "virgin".

而在夜晚抢劫的英国民众肯定知道本国的精英们光天化日之下的抢劫。对应英文:And at night to rob the British public must know the country's elite in broad daylight robbery.

这是因为女性的身体是精美的艺术品,而男人的身体又粗笨又多毛,不该在光天化日之下看到。对应英文:This is because the female body is exquisite works of art, and a man's body and slow, hairy, should not be seen in broad daylight.


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