

别人牵驴你拔橛子对应英文:People donkey pulling for you

原话应该是"别人愈来偷驴而你却拔橛子"。别人将驴偷走了,驴的主人正在寻找其驴,突然发现你在拔那个栓驴的橛子,至少会将你视为偷驴的同伙,岂不被痛打一顿吗!这句话的意...对应英文:It should be "people and stole a donkey while you are drawing pegs". Others will be stolen, the owner is looking for the donkeys, suddenly found that you pull the plug the donkey pegs, at least you will be deemed to steal the donkey friends, not to be beaten up! This sentence...

就是 别人作了不好的事 你来背黑锅喽对应英文:People are not good thing you holding the bag

大概就是坏人家好事之类的!对应英文:Is probably bad house!

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

别人做了坏事跑了,你留下当替罪羊。也表示做事没有抓住重点。对应英文:People do bad things away, you leave when the scapegoat. Also said you did not seize the key.

结果,其中一贼先行下手,把驴子从拴驴的木橛子上解下缰绳,偷走了驴子。另一个贼子来了以后,见驴子不见了,就..."一个人家把驴牵走了,他在后面拔橛子"的笑话就这样产生了。...对应英文:The results, a thief first start, make the donkey tied the donkey from wood pegs off the reins, stole a donkey. Later another thief come, see the donkey had gone, just... "A house to the ass off, he in the back drawing pegs" joke so produced. ...

别人牵驴你拔橛子  兵败如山倒  兵来将挡,水来土掩  冰冻三尺,非一日之寒  病从口入,祸从口出  病急乱投医  不比不知道,一比吓一跳  不吃黄连,不知啥叫...对应英文:People donkey pulling for you A rout is like a landslide. Fight fire with water. building, not a Disease enters by the mouth., Out of the mouth comes evil. critically ill patients do not know than, than a jump not eat Coptis, do not know what call...

比下有余 比死人多口气 便宜没好货,好货不便宜 别人牵驴你拔橛子 兵败如山倒 兵来将挡,水来土掩 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 病从口入,祸从口出 病急乱投医 不吃黄连,不知啥...对应英文:More than the next more than the dead breath cheap goods is not good, not good goods cheaper others donkey pulling for you A rout is like a landslide. Fight fire with water. building, not a Disease enters by the mouth., Out of the mouth comes evil. critically ill patients do not eat Coptis, I do not know what...

比下有余 比死人多口气 便宜没好货,好货不便宜 别人牵驴你拔橛子 兵败如山倒 兵来将挡,水来土掩 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 病从口入,祸从口出 病急乱投医 不比不知道,一比...对应英文:More than the next more than the dead breath cheap goods is not good, not good goods cheaper others donkey pulling for you A rout is like a landslide. Fight fire with water. building, not a Disease enters by the mouth., Out of the mouth comes evil. critically ill patients do not know than, than...

比下有余 比死人多口气 便宜没好货,好货不便宜 别人牵驴你拔橛子 兵败如山倒 唱空城计 当面锣对面鼓 瘦死的骆驼比马大 赶鸭子上架 一碗水端平 乱点鸳鸯谱 八竿子打不...对应英文:More than the next more than the dead breath cheap goods is not good, not good goods cheaper others donkey pulling for you A rout is like a landslide. sing a kongchengji dangmianluo duimiangu thin dead camel is bigger than a drive a duck onto a perch level sarawut eight pole not...


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