

鲁班门前弄大斧对应英文:Ruban in front of the axe

来来往往一首诗,鲁班门前弄大爷!"讽刺那些自不量力者。这诗引用了中国著名能工巧匠鲁班的典故,加速了原有...正如同在鲁班门前摆弄大斧子一样啊!"班门弄斧"的较早使用者,...对应英文:The comings and goings of a poem, Luban the door get Uncle! "Ironically those beyond one's ability person. This poem quoted China famous skilled craftsmen Luban allusions, accelerated the original... As in front of Luban with an axe like ah! "Early adopters display slight skill before an expert",...

来来往往一首诗,鲁班门前弄大斧。 这是明朝一个诗人《题李白墓》。李白是举世闻名的唐代大诗人,死后名传千古。多少文人墨客经过李白墓前,都想停留片刻,吟诗抒发内心感...对应英文:The comings and goings of a poem, Luban get ax in front of. This is the Ming Dynasty poet "problem in a tomb". Li Bai is a great poet of the Tang Dynasty be known to all the world, after the death of a pass through the ages. How many men of literature and writing after Li Bai's tomb, all want to stay for a while, poetry to express the inner feelings...

在高人面前卖弄自己的东西,还有句叫关公前面耍大刀,也是这个意思,成语是"班门弄斧"对应英文:Show off your stuff in front of people, also called front Shuada Dao Guan Gong, is also this meaning, idioms are "display slight skill before an expert"

不自量力对应英文:Too big for her skin

鲁班门前弄大斧----献丑对应英文:Luban get ax in front of -

班门弄斧 或者不自量力对应英文:Display slight skill before an expert or Too Big for Her Skin

孙悟空对应英文:Sun Wukong

多用于自谦。   采石江边一堆土,李白之名高千古   来来往往一首诗,鲁班门前弄大斧。   这是明朝梅之涣写的题李白墓诗。李白,字太白,好饮酒,人称李谪仙,是唐代...对应英文:For self abasement. A pile of soil quarrying River, Li Bai in the name of Gao Qiangu the comings and goings of a poem, Luban get ax in front of. This is the Ming Mei Zhihuan written the title poem Li tomb. Li Bai, styled Taibai, good drink, known as Li Zhexian, is the Tang dynasty...

三 山五岳何为峰, 六 合之内谁英雄, 零 点可容太极傲, 必 聚亿万布衣龙, 定 得乾坤收日月, 灭 扫魑魅魍魉童, 腾 架九天皆来拜, 讯 至地府十八层。对应英文:Three mountains mountains in Liuhe. He Weifeng, who can be hero, zero point of Tai Chi Ao, will gather millions of cloth dragon, must receive the universe, death and evil spirits Tong, Teng frame nine days are to worship, dispatch to hell eighteen layer.

鲁班门前弄大斧--自不量力 鲁班门前弄大斧--献丑 鲁班门前弄大斧← →班门弄斧对应英文:Luban get ax in front -- beyond one's ability Luban get ax in front of you Luban get ax in front of ←→ display slight skill before an expert

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