

得来全不费工夫对应英文:Get whole don't bother

数百万年前,它们从一种能够产生类胡萝卜素的真菌那里窃取了基因,并将之融入了自己的基因当中,得来全不费工夫。对应英文:Millions of years ago, and they can produce a kind of carotenoids from fungi there steal genes, and blended in their genes, get whole don't bother.

平时很难看到的东西都有得卖,也许踏破铁鞋无觅处, 得来全不费工夫。对应英文:At ordinary times it is difficult to see the things you sell, maybe you find place, get whole don't bother.

的确,IBM的长寿也可部分地归因于得来全不费工夫的好运气。对应英文:Indeed, IBM's longevity can be partly attributed to get whole don't bother good luck.

平时很难看到的东西都有得卖,也许踏破铁鞋无觅处, 得来全不费工夫。对应英文:At ordinary times it is difficult to see the things you sell, maybe you find place, get whole don't bother.

数百万年前,它们从一种能够产生类胡萝卜素的真菌那里窃取了基因,并将之融入了自己的基因当中,得来全不费工夫。对应英文:Millions of years ago, and they can produce a kind of carotenoids from fungi there steal genes, and blended in their genes, get whole don't bother.


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