

先下手为强对应英文:Start first for strong
先下手为强,拼为xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng,指在对手没有准备好的时候首先动手,取得主动地位。出自《隋书•元胄传》。

这给了我们足够的时间去选择是缓和局势,或是防卫,甚至是可能的先下手为强。对应英文:This gives us enough time to choose appeasement, defence or, even it is possible to start first for strong.

反恐人士可能在很大程度上也是这么想的——他们是恐怖主义者,他们企图除去我们,所以我们必须在他们动手之前先下手为强。对应英文:The antiterrorist may largely feel the same way - they are terrorists, they tried to remove us, so we must to first before they start work.

1997年澳大利亚先下手为强,在澳大利亚体育场25-6取胜第一回合。对应英文:In Australia in the year of 1997 to first, stadium - 6 in Australia to win the first round.

1997年澳大利亚先下手为强,在澳大利亚体育场25-6取胜第一回合。对应英文:In Australia in the year of 1997 to first, stadium - 6 in Australia to win the first round.

反恐人士可能在很大程度上也是这么想的——他们是恐怖主义者,他们企图除去我们,所以我们必须在他们动手之前先下手为强。对应英文:The antiterrorist may largely feel the same way - they are terrorists, they tried to remove us, so we must to first before they start work.

AC米兰也对对这位28岁的后卫感兴趣,所以温格需要先下手为强。对应英文:AC milan are interested in is also reviewing the 28-year-old defender, so wenger needs to first.

如果网络军备控制对美国有利,那么明智之举是,美国应趁其仍在网络空间占据优势时先下手为强,决定这些协议的内容。对应英文:If cyber arms control in America's interest, so the right thing to do is, the United States should first while its still dominate in cyberspace, to decide the agreement content.

古老的哲学所说的“先下手为强”在今天的社会中并不能获得尊敬或实质意义。对应英文:The ancient philosophy of "to" first in today's society does not respect or meaningful.

我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。对应英文:I haven't told my wife she buy clothes too much money, she first to ask me why I spend so much money to buy a new fishing rod.

有报道说巴西主帅邓加将在里皮有机会征召阿毛里之前,先下手为强,取得这位尤文射手的信任。对应英文:It is reported that Brazil coach dunga will before marcello lippi has the opportunity to recruit amauri, start first for strong, win the trust of the Juventus striker.

美国方面应先下手为强,防止中国诉诸如此激进的政策,因为类似这些备选方案对世界经济甚至可能更具破坏性,对美国造成不利影响。对应英文:Should look to the United States, to prevent the Chinese resort to such a radical policy, because similar to these alternatives may even more damaging to the world economy, has adverse effects to the United States.

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