

眼不见为净对应英文:Far from eye, far from heart
眼不见为净,拼为yǎn bù jiàn wéi jìng,指心里不以为然,但又没有办法,只好撇开不管。也在怀疑仪器不干净时,用作自我安慰的话。

最亲爱的丽萃,我真替你高兴,这些痛苦的场面对你说来,真是眼不见为净。 不过,开头一场惊险既已过去,我很希望你回来,你不会觉得我这是不合情理吧?对应英文:Dearest Lizzy, I'm happy for you, the pain of say to you, it's far from eye, far from heart.

这个玻璃纤维的球状椅能让你便宜行事,在家中营造一个私人空间:如果你把椅子旋转过去好对起居室里的混乱状态眼不见为净,你就在室内制造了一处包裹自己的空间。对应英文:This glass fiber ball chair can let you cheap way, build a private space in the home: if you put a chair rotation the past good mess out of sight, out of the living room is clean, you inside your own space creates a package.

用“眼不见为净”这句老话来战胜自己的食欲吧。对应英文:In the old adage "out of sight for the net" to overcome yourself.

最亲爱的丽萃,我真替你高兴,这些痛苦的场面对你说来,真是眼不见为净。 不过,开头一场惊险既已过去,我很希望你回来,你不会觉得我这是不合情理吧?对应英文:Dearest Lizzy, I'm happy for you, the pain of say to you, it's far from eye, far from heart.

这个玻璃纤维的球状椅能让你便宜行事,在家中营造一个私人空间:如果你把椅子旋转过去好对起居室里的混乱状态眼不见为净,你就在室内制造了一处包裹自己的空间。对应英文:This glass fiber ball chair can let you cheap way, build a private space in the home: if you put a chair rotation the past good mess out of sight, out of the living room is clean, you inside your own space creates a package.

可能这就是“超脱尘世”吧,不想为一些生活上琐碎的事而烦恼,我选择眼不见为净。对应英文:Probably this is "the otherworldly, don't want to be bothered by some trivial things in life, I choose far from eye, far from heart.

世界上所有的人都希欢被尊爱的感觉,在某种意义上我们都非常关心他人对自己的想法,除非眼不见为净。对应英文:All the people in the world like to be the feeling of love, in a sense we are all very care about others to your ideas, unless far from eye, far from heart.

俗语眼不见为净yǎn bú jiàn wéi jìng是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/388.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

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