

丑媳妇早晚也得见公婆对应英文:The ugly daughter-in-law sooner or later to see her

有些事对亲人是瞒不住的对应英文:Some things are not hide from relatives

翻译成中文更生动丑媳妇早晚要见公婆 就是再丑的媳妇,到了最后,也还是要见公公婆婆的,再躲藏也没有用,引申为再不好的事情,最终也会拿出来的,藏不住的对应英文:Translated into Chinese more lively ugly daughter-in-law sooner or later to see her parents in law in that ugly daughter-in-law, to finally, also want to see my parents in law, to hide is of no use, or not good things, will eventually take out, can't hide

要知道婆媳之间的问题是如何找到恰当相处之道的问题。 而不是要么按照我的意愿,要么按照你的意愿,那这个世...那么矛盾的产生是早晚的事,而且会越积越深、越积越大。 总归...对应英文:To know the problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is how to find the proper way to get along problems. Instead of or in accordance with my wishes, or according to your wishes, then this world... So conflicts is sooner or later, it will accumulate more deep, the greater the plot. It...

俗话说得好嘛,"丑媳妇早晚都要见公婆的"。保持一种随遇而安、即来之则安之的心态即可!对应英文:As the saying goes, "chouxifu sooner or later to see her". Maintain a reconcile oneself to one's situation, i.e. to the security state of mind can be!

受人家管 吃软不吃硬 吃哑巴亏 吃着碗里的,望着锅里的 丑话说在前头 丑媳妇早晚也得见公婆 初一一回十五一回 出多少汗,吃多少饭 出家人不说在家话 出水才见两腿泥 出...对应英文:By people eating soft do not eat hard food yabakui eat a bowl of, look in the pan I said to see her at a back fifteen back to sweat as much in front of the ugly wife sooner or later, the number of meals eaten monk doesn't say at home, if water only see his legs mud out...

中国有句老话说,丑媳妇早晚要见公婆,你男朋友也如此,早晚也要见他的老丈人和丈母娘的。只要你看着好,你们两人相爱,就不要在乎父母和家人的点评。老汉觉得你的男友一定...对应英文:Chinese proverb goes, ugly daughter-in-law sooner or later to see her parents in law in, so is your boyfriend, sooner or later, they will see his father-in-law and mother-in-law. As long as you look good, you two people love each other, they don't care about parents and family comments. The old man think your boyfriend must...

儿媳妇早晚都要见公婆的! 她的担心也是有道理的!你可以大概得介绍你父母的平时的一些喜好! 好让她有点心理准备,做到有备无患,宁可被而无用,也不勇而无备。 第一次上门...对应英文:The daughter-in-law sooner or later to see her! Her fears are justified! You can probably get some like the usual your parents! Let her a little psychological preparation, do be prepared against want, would be useless, no courage without preparation. The door for the first time...

第一次见公婆吧无论公婆家住哪个地区,毕竟是第一次见长辈,无论是出于对长辈的尊重,还是出于自我形象的塑造(扮成贤惠漂亮的未过门媳妇),你都应该要穿得正式一点。十一...对应英文:The first time to see her parents in law live. No matter what, after all, is the first to see the elders, whether out of respect for elders, or for self image (dressed as a virtuous beautiful unmarried daughter-in-law), you should wear a formal point. Eleven.

"丑媳妇早晚见公婆"虽然你内向,不会说话,但是你要是想和在他在一起或者想和他继续交往,有个好的结果,那你就去啊。现在不是考虑他生气不生气的事情,是考虑你以后幸福的...对应英文:"Chouxifu sooner or later to see her parents in law" although you introverted, do not speak, but if you want to and he together or want to continue contacts, have a good result, then you go ah. This is not considered his anger or not things, is to consider for your future happiness...

我们都希望得到家人的认可和祝福是吧,丑媳妇还要见公婆呢,早晚的事,订婚之前女友是要见的。如果上方父母都没见过父母是不会同意订婚的。对应英文:We all want to get the family approval and blessing is right, ugly daughter-in-law will see her, sooner or later, before the engagement the girlfriend is. If the parents are not seen above the parents would not approve engagement.


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