

换汤不换药对应英文:In its form

不过换汤不换药,此方案用词新鲜,但无改变美国的核心策略。对应英文:But in its form, the language was fresh, but without changing the core strategy of the United States.

把《京都协议书》的结构引入到新的协议中会令其容易被诟病换汤不换药。对应英文:Introduce the structure of the "Kyoto protocol" to the new agreement will make it easier to be criticized in its form.

尽管除了要求本·阿里离国之外抗议者们没有明确提出其他要求,但是今日的突尼斯绝不会满足于换汤不换药的把戏。对应英文:Although besides asked Ben ali from the protesters did not explicitly put forward other requirements, but never satisfied with today's Tunisia in its form.

把《京都协议书》的结构引入到新的协议中会令其容易被诟病换汤不换药。对应英文:Introduce the structure of the "Kyoto protocol" to the new agreement will make it easier to be criticized in its form.

尽管除了要求本·阿里离国之外抗议者们没有明确提出其他要求,但是今日的突尼斯绝不会满足于换汤不换药的把戏。对应英文:Although besides asked Ben ali from the protesters did not explicitly put forward other requirements, but never satisfied with today's Tunisia in its form.

换汤不换药地把过时的女性行为准则贴上前卫的标签,可能是推销一堆销路不畅的肥大泳衣的精明策略,但是这听起来绝不是什么大变革。对应英文:In its form to outdated women conduct labeled the avant-garde, may be to promote a heap of purchase hypertrophy swimsuit shrewd strategy, but this is no big change to sound.

其实这只是换汤不换药的事:如何处理言论自由权的滥用和类似的不当行为。对应英文:It is only in its form of matter: how to deal with the abuse of free speech and similar misconduct.

在镜子或者摄像机前做爱都是换汤不换药。对应英文:Making love in front of the mirror or camera is in its form.

不管你在它的外形上下多大功夫,你还是会发现它就是换汤不换药的菲亚特125。对应英文:No matter how much you shape up and down in it, you will find it is the fiat 125 in its form.

对此很多专家指出,安眠药只能控制失眠,而不能根治,再新的药也只是“ 换汤不换药”而已。对应英文:Many experts point out that sleeping pills can only control insomnia, and cannot effect a radical cure, to the new medicine is only in its form.

新的思想用旧的形式包装无异于把新酒倒旧瓶子里, 换汤不换药。对应英文:New ideas in old form is packaging pour new wine in old bottles, in its form.

曼奇尼只是用换汤不换药的方式要我做同样的事情,这就是以前问题所在。对应英文:Mancini is only in its form of way want me to do the same thing, that is the problem before.

为了避免前几次课程改革中出现的“换汤不换药”的现象,探索能够适应新课程的教学设计理论成为当务之急。对应英文:In order to avoid the previous curriculum reform in the phenomenon of "in its form, explore able to adapt to the new curriculum teaching design theory become the urgent matter.

另一方面,广告创意的模式化现象严重,很多广告仍然是陈腔老调、换汤不换药、表现雷同,根本不能反映出产品的差异化。对应英文:Advertising creative, on the other hand, the modelling is serious, a lot of advertising is still stereotypes, in its form, show the same, cannot reflect the product differentiation.

新政府立即获得突尼斯工党发言人Hammal Hammam的反对。他告诉BBC记者,新政府与原来的政府是换汤不换药。对应英文:The new government immediately available, a spokesman for the Tunisian Labour Hammal Hammam opposition.

俗语换汤不换药huàn tāng bù huàn yào是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/318.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

解 释 比喻名称或形式虽然改变了,内容还是老一套。 用 法 联合式;作谓语、分句;比喻名称或形式虽然改变而实际不变 示 例 去了一个段派,复来了一个段派,仍然是~。(《民国演义》第一百十五回) 灯 谜 二煎 英 文 a change in form but not in content  

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