

快刀斩乱麻对应英文:Cut the Gordian knot
拼 音: kuài dāo jiǎn luàn má 释 义: 比喻做事果断,能采取坚决有效的措施,很快解决复杂的问题。 出 处: 《北齐书·文宣帝纪》:“高祖尝试观诸子意识,各使治乱丝,帝独抽刀斩之,曰:‘乱者须斩!’” 示 例: 自己一直在两者之间不停地碰来撞去,而终于不能用~的办法一下子彻底解决。★巴金《谈〈灭亡〉》

你应该快刀斩乱麻, 把他们统统解雇。对应英文:You should cut the Gordian knot, the firing them all.

参议院希望借这个时机促使他们转变立场,达到“快刀斩乱麻”的效果。对应英文:The senate hope to take this time to motivate them to change, to achieve the effect of "cut the Gordian knot".

新上任的经理发现职员都不喜欢他,于是他就“快刀斩乱麻”,把他们全部给辞退了。对应英文:The new manager found that staff don't like him, so he will "cut the Gordian knot", give them all to resign.

不幸的是,雅虎已经没有选择,该公司要么快刀斩乱麻选择以上方案,要么就得忍受长久的伤痛。对应英文:Unfortunately, yahoo had no choice, the company cut the Gordian knot to select either the above scheme, or have to endure the pain for a long time.

他们决定快刀斩乱麻,一举把敌人消灭掉。对应英文:They decided to cut the Gordian knot, to get rid of the enemy.

如革命时期常发生的那样,如果达不成协议,那么,不管多么不愿意,他也得采取快刀斩乱麻的手段,因为国家的行政是不能中断的。对应英文:Such as revolution often happens, if there is no agreement, so, no matter how not willing to, he also have to cut the Gordian knot method, because the country's administration is not interrupted.

因为美国人做事喜欢快刀斩乱麻, 他们在快餐店里点餐通常也很迅速。对应英文:Because americans do things like cut the Gordian knot, their order is usually very quickly in the fast-food restaurant.

“我认为这充分显示了快刀斩乱麻的姿态,”某政府官员表示。对应英文:"I think this fully shows the cut the Gordian knot," a government official said.

但是,这种“快刀斩乱麻”的方法在凯恩斯经济刺激计划中却事与愿违。对应英文:However, this "cut the Gordian knot" method in the Keynesian stimulus plan has backfired.

过去快刀斩乱麻搞定的事情现在淹没在官僚机构的文件堆里,这就是我们所说的文明。对应英文:Cut the Gordian knot done in the past now submerged in the bureaucracy of documents, this is what we call civilization.

现代观点:过了10个月母乳就不能满足婴儿的营养需要了,所以,一定要快刀斩乱麻地让他断奶,不然,他就不爱吃饭。对应英文:Modern view: after 10 months of breastfeeding can't meet the nutrient requirements of the baby, so be sure to cut the Gordian knot to let his weaning, otherwise, he does not love to eat.

快刀斩乱麻式的读经,只会教人把神的应许忘得一乾二净。对应英文:Cut the Gordian knot of the bible, it will only teach the forgotten the promises of god.

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