

一俊遮百丑对应英文:A good make ugly

还有部分挑战来自于这个国家发展模式的自身:一俊遮百丑,经济增长掩盖了其它的问题。对应英文:There are part of the challenge from the country's development model itself: a good make ugly, economic growth has disguised the other problems.

在苦难多多曼联,唯有鲁尼在周二勤勤恳恳,像个决心“一俊遮百丑”的男子汉。对应英文:In the suffering of Manchester united, Wayne rooney on Tuesday diligently, like a determined one make "ugly" man.

还有部分挑战来自于这个国家发展模式的自身:一俊遮百丑,经济增长掩盖了其它的问题。对应英文:There are part of the challenge from the country's development model itself: a good make ugly, economic growth has disguised the other problems.

在苦难多多曼联,唯有鲁尼在周二勤勤恳恳,像个决心“一俊遮百丑”的男子汉。对应英文:In the suffering of Manchester united, Wayne rooney on Tuesday diligently, like a determined one make "ugly" man.


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