

天无绝人之路对应英文:God never shuts one door but he opens another
天无绝人之路 tiān wú jué rén zhī lù【Heaven never cuts off a man's means;there is always a way out】 谓人的处境濒临绝望时,上天总会给以出路。

天无绝人之路。对应英文:God never shuts one door but he opens another.

我想对大学生们说一句:无论怎样,天无绝人之路。对应英文:I want to say to the students, no matter what, god never shuts one door but he opens another.

如果我们缺少现金,我们可以租个房子而不是买一个。毕竟天无绝人之路。对应英文:If we lack of cash, we can rent a house rather than buy a.

希望使我们坚信天无绝人之路;希望使我们在任何情况下依然能够做到乐观向上。对应英文:Want to make us believe that day no shuts one door but he opens another.

如果我们缺少现金,我们可以租个房子而不是买一个。毕竟天无绝人之路。对应英文:If we lack of cash, we can rent a house rather than buy a.

遇到不可预知结果的事情,有人喜欢往好处想,因为他们乐观、坚强,相信“天无绝人之路”;对应英文:Encounter unpredictable results, some people like to look on the bright side, because they are optimistic, strong, believe in "god never shuts one door but he opens another";

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