

大白于天下对应英文:The white in the world
  大白于天下   拼音:    解释: 大白:彻底明白,完全清楚;天下:旧指全中国。全国的人都知道了事情的真相。    

政府和个人是不是该保留点秘密? 或者说应该让所有真相大白于天下?对应英文:The government and people Is it right? The hold secrets? Or that we should make all The case is entirely cleared. in the world?

这家消费电子零售商认为它可以给音乐服务带来一些特别的内容,而现在它的计划终于要大白于天下。对应英文:The electronics retailer thinks it can give something special with the music service, and now those plans to the white in the world.

然而这个实验能够表明的是,长期以来被误导信息笼罩的对性别取向源头的科学理解已逐渐大白于天下,而这完全没有什么可怕的。对应英文:However, this experiment showed that, the scientific understanding of gender orientation source long shrouded in misinformation has gradually exposed, and this is not what a terrible.

政府和个人是不是该保留点秘密? 或者说应该让所有真相大白于天下?对应英文:The government and people Is it right? The hold secrets? Or that we should make all The case is entirely cleared. in the world?

这家消费电子零售商认为它可以给音乐服务带来一些特别的内容,而现在它的计划终于要大白于天下。对应英文:The electronics retailer thinks it can give something special with the music service, and now those plans to the white in the world.

然而这个实验能够表明的是,长期以来被误导信息笼罩的对性别取向源头的科学理解已逐渐大白于天下,而这完全没有什么可怕的。对应英文:However, this experiment showed that, the scientific understanding of gender orientation source long shrouded in misinformation has gradually exposed, and this is not what a terrible.

没有什么像一幅带点亮图钉的挂图那般让“恶魔征服世界的计划”大白于天下的。对应英文:Without what like a belt light pushpin charts like that "evil plan to conquer the world" the white in the world.

要是她会说话,能为自己辩解的话,她的清白无辜就大白于天下啦。对应英文:If she can talk, can defend herself, her innocence would come to light.

但直到人们在清理她遗物时发现了一枚英国的勋章和英勇十字勋章后,她的过去才最终大白于天下。对应英文:But until the people in cleaning out her belongings found a British medal and the gallantry cross, her past finally the white in the world.

大多数专家预测,尽管十分恼火,但美国政府很可能小事化了,而这些文件终将大白于天下。对应英文:Most experts predict, although very angry, but American administration is likely to be small, and the file will be known to the world.

改革派说,他们相信奥运的东风会对他们的努力起到推动的作用,把加拿大最贫穷邮政区的问题大白于天下,加快这一地区复苏的进程。对应英文:The reformers say, they believe that the Olympics Dongfeng to boost for their efforts, Canada's poorest postal district of the white in the world, speeding up the recovery process of regional.

如今,苏联最本质的弊端已经大白于天下:这个政权为了维持下去,得将自己的人民置于束缚和监禁之中。这或许就是终结的肇始。对应英文:Now, the most essential weakness of the Soviet Union was exposed: the regime in order to survive, to their own people in bondage and imprisonment. This would be the beginning of the end.

那些自以为是的评论在被大白于天下时并不会显得那么高明。对应英文:Those who be opinionated comments in the white in the world, is not so good.

而今,随着迷途的欧元区成员国身陷困境,以及统 计中的违规行为大白于天下,我们相信这次的结果将会有所不同。对应英文:Now, with the lost of euro zone members in trouble, and the statistical irregularities in the world, we believe the outcome will be different.

意识乃是大脑的一种自然属性;一旦我们充分认识了神经活动的复杂机理,意识之谜就会大白于天下。对应英文:Consciousness is an emergent property of the brain; once we fully understand the complex mechanism of neural activity, awareness of the mystery will be revealed to the world.

三位科学家所做的研究工作让长久以来不为人知的免疫系统工作原理大白于天下。对应英文:The research work of three scientists have done so for a long time the immune system working principle of unknown white in the world.

一个年轻女人过去18年在加州安提阿一个隐蔽的后院中忍受无数非人虐待的事实真相终于大白于天下。对应英文:A young woman in California over the past 18 years the Antioch a hidden backyard endure countless inhuman abuse the truth finally the white in the world.

如今,苏联最本质的弊端已经大白于天下:这个政权为了维持下去,得将自己的人民置于束缚和监禁之中。对应英文:Now, the most essential weakness of the Soviet Union was exposed: the regime in order to survive, to their own people in bondage and imprisonment.

某些人说,阴谋绑架和谋杀的真相将永远不会大白于天下。对应英文:Some people say, conspiracy to kidnap and murder the truth will never come to light.

可是他的调查所揭露的比他原先预料的还要多,揭开了一个传闻已久的分支组织的阴暗幕布,并将一个对共和国的致命威胁大白于天下。对应英文:But his investigation uncovers the more than he'd originally anticipated, opened a dark curtain branch organization a long rumored, and a deadly threat to the Republic in the world.

通过业务暴露实现的服务和功能成千上万,但其中有许多尚未大白于天下。 这就是开放式创新的力量。对应英文:Through business exposed tens of thousands of service and the function realization, many of which have not yet been revealed to the world. This is the power of open innovation.

是啊,真相终将大白于天下。这是最基本的时间规律。对应英文:Yes, the truth will out in the world. This is one of the fundamental rules of time.

在整个事件过程中,当事人多次提到这份录像,虽然大家各执一词,但一旦录像公布,事实也就将大白于天下。对应英文:In the whole process of the events, parties mentioned several times in the video, although we each sticks to his argument, but once the video was released, the truth will come.


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