

天有不测风云对应英文:Accidents will happen
料想不到。比喻有些灾祸的发生,事先是无法预料的。元·无名氏《合同文字》第四折:“天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,那厮恰才无病。怎生下在牢里便有病?张千,你再去看来。” 曹操屯兵赤壁欲进攻东吴,周瑜与孔明商量用火攻,可此时季节已过没有东南风。周瑜气得生病,孔明去看他,他说:“人有旦夕祸福。”孔明说:“天有不测风云。”并送他“欲破曹公,宜用火攻,万事俱备,只欠东风。”于是刮起了东风。  天有不测风云   

天有不测风云,尤其是个新手在“尽力而为”的时候。对应英文:It is the unforeseen, especially a novice in the "best".

然而,天有不测风云,莎莉永远的离开了我们,每当想起她和看到这张老照片的时候,我常常悲痛不已,黯然泪下。对应英文:However, it is the unforeseen that Sally has left us forever, when I think about her and see the old photo, I often grief, dim and tears.

只有这样我们才能找到一个好的适合自己的工作,而且我们应当尽自己最大的能力去赚钱,要知道天有不测风云,这样做是以防万一。对应英文:Only in this way can we find a good fit for their work, and we shall do my best ability to make money, you know it is the unforeseen that this was done in one thousand.

然而,天有不测风云,莎莉永远的离开了我们,每当想起她和看到这张老照片的时候,我常常悲痛不已,黯然泪下。对应英文:However, it is the unforeseen that Sally has left us forever, when I think about her and see the old photo, I often grief, dim and tears.

只有这样我们才能找到一个好的适合自己的工作,而且我们应当尽自己最大的能力去赚钱,要知道天有不测风云,这样做是以防万一。对应英文:Only in this way can we find a good fit for their work, and we shall do my best ability to make money, you know it is the unforeseen that this was done in one thousand.

然而天有不测之风云,胡菁于2009年2月9日突然在家晕倒,被紧急送往医生急救,最后转到ICU病房进行治疗。对应英文:Clouds of a rainy day, however, hu on February 9, 2009, suddenly fainted at home, was rushed to the doctor first aid, finally transferred to the ICU ward for treatment.

尽管如此,天有不测之风云,非常糟糕的把握能力却白白浪费了一场最佳的进攻演出。对应英文:In spite of this, a rainy day, very bad grasp but wasted the best offensive performance.

但是天有不测风云,飞机又遇到了紧急情况,四人一致商量还是老办法。对应英文:But it is the unforeseen that plane again meet the emergency, four people to discuss here again.

这实在是叫作“天有不测风云”,她的男人是结实人,谁知道年纪轻轻,就会断送在伤寒上。对应英文:This is called "accidents will happen," her man is strong, who knows, young will terminate on the typhoid fever.

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