

视功名如粪土对应英文:As the fame as dung

指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯.对应英文:Pointing to our mountains and rivers, setting people afire with our words, we counted the mighty no more than muck.

木兰是因为女郎,无法接受高官厚禄,而这位侠士,因为豪放不羁,视功名如粪土。对应英文:Mulan is because the girl, cannot accept the high position and handsome salary, and the chivalrous person, because of being vigorous and unrestrained, as fame as dung.

功名与我如浮云,我视富贵如粪土。对应英文:Fame and I like clouds, and regarded as dung I.

诗人宁可到江上去垂钓,也不愿再做昏庸王朝的县官,真正视功名如粪土,寄情怀于高竹。   最后,引一首当代著名画家齐白石先生的一首《题画竹》诗。   野竹萧萧青...对应英文:The poet rather to the river to fishing, also do not fatuous Dynasty magistrate, really regarded fame like dirt, comfortable with in high bamboo. Finally, cited a famous contemporary painter Mr. Qi Baishi a "bamboo" poem paintings. Wild bamboo Xiao Xiaoqing...

木兰是因为女郎,无法接受高官厚禄,而这位侠士,因为豪放不羁,视功名如粪土。对应英文:Mulan is because the girl, cannot accept the high position and handsome salary, and the chivalrous person, because of being vigorous and unrestrained, as fame as dung.

苏东坡属于出世一派,超然物外,视功名如粪土,视挫折如小憩。王安石积极主动地方面多一些,苏东坡则有逃避的情绪。 从文学上,苏东坡更加潇洒旷达,山水寓于情,古今寓于梦...对应英文:Su Dongpo is born a, be free from things of the world, as fame like dirt, seen setbacks such as nap. Wang Anshi active local surface more, Su Dongpo has to escape from the emotional. From the literature, Su Dongpo is more handsome broad-minded, landscape in love, and in the dream...

他是侯府公子,却视富贵功名如粪土,淡泊潇洒若天上那高洁出尘的白云。他是皇朝第一将,英姿不凡,豪情盖世龙渊宝剑所到之处必干戈尽息,皇朝在他的守护下要是空前的盛世...对应英文:He is the son of Hou mansion, but as the wealth fame as dung, clear sky that indifferent if Gao Jie dust clouds. He was the first to Dynasty, heroic bearing extraordinary, feeling the Long Yuan sword everywhere he hostility as interest, Dynasty under his tutelage if unprecedented prosperity...

他是侯府公子,却视富贵功名如粪土,淡泊潇洒若天上那高洁出尘的白云。  他是皇朝第一将,英姿不凡,豪情盖世龙渊宝剑所到之处必干戈尽息,皇朝在他的守护下要是空...对应英文:He is the son of Hou mansion, but as the wealth fame as dung, clear sky that indifferent if Gao Jie dust clouds. He was the first to Dynasty, heroic bearing extraordinary, feeling the Long Yuan sword everywhere he hostility as interest, Dynasty under his tutelage if empty...

他是侯府公子,却视富贵功名如粪土,淡泊潇洒若天上那高洁出尘的白云。 他是皇朝第一将,英姿不凡,豪情盖世龙渊宝剑所到之处必干戈尽息,皇朝在他的守护下要是空前的盛...对应英文:He is the son of Hou mansion, but as the wealth fame as dung, clear sky that indifferent if Gao Jie dust clouds. He was the first to Dynasty, heroic bearing extraordinary, feeling the Long Yuan sword everywhere he hostility as interest, Dynasty under his tutelage if unprecedented sheng...

加上郭老对李白的反抗统治阶层、蔑视权贵、视功名如粪土等特色的刻画提炼,更让我陷入对李白的迷狂当中。李白一句"功名富贵若长在,汉水亦应西北流"影响我终生,因为那时...对应英文:Characterization and Guo old on Li Bai's revolt against the ruling class, defiance, as fame as a feature extraction, more let me in on Li Bai's madness. Li Bai sentence "rank, success, fame and riches if long in the northwest flow, should also be" effect of my life, because at that time...


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