

无巧不成书对应英文:Oddly though
无巧不成书,拼为wú qiǎo bù chéng shū,比喻事情十分凑巧。  无巧不成书   拼音: wú qiǎo bù chéng shū 简拼: wqbs   近义词: 无巧不成话 反义词:    用法: 复句式;作宾语、分句;比喻事情十分凑巧   解释: 比喻事情十分凑巧。   出处: 明・冯梦龙《醒世恒言・卖油郎独占花魁》:“自古道:‘无巧不成书。’恰好有一人从墙下而过。”   例子:

无巧不成书,周四,在另一桩更为严重的刑事内幕交易案中,约翰逊也认罪伏法,美国弗吉尼亚东区(Eastern District of Virginia)检察官指出。对应英文:Tennessee, on Thursday, in another more serious criminal insider trading case, Johnson also pleaded guilty, Virginia east (Eastern District of Virginia) prosecutor said.

真是无巧不成书啊。对应英文:Of coincidence.


无巧不成书,周四,在另一桩更为严重的刑事内幕交易案中,约翰逊也认罪伏法,美国弗吉尼亚东区(Eastern District of Virginia)检察官指出。对应英文:Tennessee, on Thursday, in another more serious criminal insider trading case, Johnson also pleaded guilty, Virginia east (Eastern District of Virginia) prosecutor said.

无巧不成书,在王茜去北京探亲之际,她在北京电影学院门口下了车并且正好赶上招收新生。对应英文:In Tennessee, wang went to Beijing to visit, as she got off the car at the gate of the Beijing film academy and just in time to enroll new students.

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