

旧貌换新颜对应英文:A completely new look

装裱修复完成的《五牛图》卷旧貌换新颜,名画重又焕发生机。对应英文:Framed repair completed the five NiuTu new look, painting again.

这个展览展示了一座历史悠久的古城不断旧貌换新颜的历程,令人印象十分深刻。对应英文:This exhibition shows a long history of the ancient city of continuing transformation into a new one, is very impressive.

马赛正在进行大规模都市改造工程,建新的住宅区,新的办公区,维修破旧不堪的街区,让城市的海滨旧貌换新颜。对应英文:Marseille are a massive urban renewal project, to build a new residential area, new district, repair the dilapidated blocks, let the city waterfront new look.

装裱修复完成的《五牛图》卷旧貌换新颜,名画重又焕发生机。对应英文:Framed repair completed the five NiuTu new look, painting again.

这个展览展示了一座历史悠久的古城不断旧貌换新颜的历程,令人印象十分深刻。对应英文:This exhibition shows a long history of the ancient city of continuing transformation into a new one, is very impressive.

马赛正在进行大规模都市改造工程,建新的住宅区,新的办公区,维修破旧不堪的街区,让城市的海滨旧貌换新颜。对应英文:Marseille are a massive urban renewal project, to build a new residential area, new district, repair the dilapidated blocks, let the city waterfront new look.

玻利维亚安第斯山区的蒂瓦拉库(Tiwanaku)的村庄盘算着,如果古老的金字塔旧貌换新颜,将吸引来更多的游客。对应英文:In the Bolivian andes Tiwanaku (Tiwanaku) planning, village and if the new look, the ancient pyramids will attract more tourists.

经过两个多小时的行程,终于到达故乡,这座三百多户的村庄,不见昔日的踪影,真是旧貌换新颜。对应英文:After more than two hours of journey, finally arrived at home, the village, of three hundred households, not yesterday, it's a completely new look.

在上海,就像流行歌里唱的那样,“一切旧貌换新颜,”而且成了时尚。对应英文:In Shanghai, like to sing the pop, "all the new look, and become a fashion.

他用镜头捕捉了蓉城日新月异的变化,记载了府南河、沙河两岸的变迁,以及城市旧貌换新颜的全过程。对应英文:He used a camera to capture the constant and unceasing transformation of Argo, recorded on both sides of the funan river, shahe changes, as well as the whole process of the city a completely new look.


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