

吃了枪药了对应英文:Have gun medicine

形容说话很冲,总是呛着别人对应英文:Describe speaks bluntly, always choke with others

不能啊!!!千万不要说!!!大人听了会打你的!!!对应英文:Can not ah!!! Don't say that!!! The adult listen to beat you!!!

过去说能治肚痛,但是不是今天的枪药了,今天的枪药无效的.对应英文:The past can cure stomach pain, but not today's gun medicine, today's gun medicine invalid

各自的超能本领以便实现他更大的野心,被激怒的绅士联盟前往冰雪覆盖下的北国,对幽灵的组织发起了最后的决战……对应英文:Their super skills in order to achieve his larger ambitions, angered by the League of gentlemen to Northland under the snow covered, the phantom organization launched the final decisive battle......

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

药死现象,某些人为了捕获野禽,常常出现用枪打死或者用药药死的现象。的确野禽富含蛋白质,滋味鲜美,质优于...可以将禽素囊取出,不就除掉药物了其实,除掉的仅仅是未消化完...对应英文:The phenomenon of medicine, some people in order to capture the wild, often appear to shoot or medication to poison to death phenomenon. Indeed the wild protein rich, delicious taste, quality is better than... Can be taken out avian theca, don't get rid of drugs in fact, get rid of only not digest...

小狗驱虫一般天驱第一次虫。每种驱虫药成分都不同,三支枪是什么牌子- -你可以喂汽巴一百或者拜耳的,幼犬喂半片就可以了。对应英文:The dog deworming general day flooding first worm. Each anthelmintic composition is different, the three gun is what brand -- you can feed the Ciba one hundred or Bayer, puppies fed half of it.

就是火药。形容脾气火爆、暴躁。对应英文:Gunpowder. Describe an explosive temper, temper.

安眠药。 但是死亡了 你得到了解脱。 你又有为你身边的人想过吗,你连死也想着不痛了。 那你的亲人朋友呢 想想他们的感受。 人不能太自私了。对应英文:Sleeping pills. But the death you are free. You have people around you think about it, you even death also think not pain. That your family and friends about their feelings. People should not be too selfish.

是不是吃了止痛药和扎了肾上腺素的时候 出现了 枪支声音变了 过了秒左右 又恢复正常对应英文:Is it right? Eat painkillers and pierced the gun voice changed after seconds back to normal when the adrenaline


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