

船家的孩子会浮水对应英文:The boatman of the children can float on water

出头的橼子先烂 、穿新鞋走老路 、穿一条裤子 、船到桥头自然直 、船家的孩子会浮水 、窗户纸一点就破 、吹胡子瞪眼 、此地无银三百两 、此时无声胜...对应英文:Early rafter first rotten, wear new shoe to take old road, wearing a pair of trousers, ship directly to the natural bridge, the boatman of the children can float on water, a little bit of broken window paper, be angry and fierce, a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure, silence...

穿新鞋走老路 、穿一条裤子 、船到桥头自然直 、船家的孩子会浮水 、窗户纸一点就破 、吹胡子瞪眼 、此地无银三百两 、此时无声胜有声 、此一时,彼一...对应英文:Wear new shoe to take old road, wearing a pair of trousers, ship directly to the natural bridge, the boatman of the children can float on water, a little bit of broken window paper, be angry and fierce, a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure, silence sound, at this moment, one...

出水才见两腿泥 出头的橼子先烂 穿新鞋走老路 穿一条裤子 船到桥头自然直 船家的孩子会浮水 窗户纸一点就破 吹胡子瞪眼 此地无银三百两 此时无声胜有声 此一时,彼一时...对应英文:Water only see his legs mud head rafter first rotten wear new shoe to take old road wearing a tight ship directly to the natural bridge boatman children will be floating window paper a little bit of broken be angry and fierce a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure silence sound Circumstances alter cases...

穿新鞋走老路 穿一条裤子 船到桥头自然直 船家的孩子会浮水 窗户纸一点就破 吹胡子瞪眼 此地无银三百两 此时无声胜有声 此一时,彼一时 聪明一世,糊涂一时 从刀尖上爬...对应英文:Wear new shoe to take old road wearing a tight ship directly to the natural bridge boatman children will be floating window paper a little bit of broken be angry and fierce a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure silence sound Circumstances alter cases. smart as a rule, a fool from tip up...

出头的橼子先烂 穿新鞋走老路 穿一条裤子 船到桥头自然直 船家的孩子会浮水 窗户纸一点就破 吹胡子瞪眼 此地无银三百两 此时无声胜有声 此一时,彼一时 聪明一世,糊涂...对应英文:Early rafter first rotten wear new shoe to take old road wearing a tight ship directly to the natural bridge boatman children will be floating window paper a little bit of broken be angry and fierce a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure silence sound Circumstances alter cases. smart as a rule, confused...

船家的孩子会浮水  窗户纸一点就破  吹胡子瞪眼  此地无银三百两  此时无声胜有声  此一时,彼一时  聪明一世,糊涂一时  从刀尖上爬过来的  从小离娘...对应英文:The boatman of the children will be floating window paper a little bit of broken be angry and fierce a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure silence sound Circumstances alter cases. smart as a rule, a fool from tip to climb over it's a...

船家的孩子会浮水   窗户纸一点就破   吹胡子瞪眼   此地无银三百两   此时无声胜有声   此一时,彼一时   聪明一世,糊涂一时   从刀尖上爬过来的  ...对应英文:The boatman of the children will be floating window paper a little bit of broken be angry and fierce a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure silence sound Circumstances alter cases. smart as a rule, a fool from tip to climb over...

吃多少饭出家人不说在家话出水才见两腿泥出头的橼子先烂穿新鞋走老路穿一条裤子船到桥头自然直船家的孩子会浮水窗户纸一点就破吹胡子瞪眼此地无银三百两此时无声胜有...对应英文:The number of meals eaten out the family did not say at home, if water only see his legs mud head rafter first rotten wear new shoe to take old road wearing a tight ship directly to the natural bridge boatman children will be floating window paper a little bit of broken be angry and fierce a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure silence...

出家人不说在家话 出水才见两腿泥 出头的橼子先烂 穿新鞋走老路 穿一条裤子 船到桥头自然直 船家的孩子会浮水 窗户纸一点就破对应英文:The monk doesn't say at home, if water only see his legs mud head rafter first rotten wear new shoe to take old road wearing a tight ship directly to the natural bridge boatman children will be floating window paper point is broken

出水才见两腿泥 出头的橼子先烂 穿新鞋走老路穿一条裤子船到桥头自然直 船家的孩子会浮水 窗户纸一点就破 吹胡子瞪眼 此地无银三百两 此时无声胜有声 此一时,彼一时 ...对应英文:Water only see his legs mud head rafter first rotten wear new shoe to take old road wearing a tight ship directly to the natural bridge boatman children will be floating window paper a little bit of broken be angry and fierce a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure silence sound Circumstances alter cases...


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