

打狗还得看主人对应英文:The dog will have to see the master

主人会打你。原因不是爱狗,而是觉得你不尊重他的狗等于不尊重他。打他的狗之前跟他好好说说,这事不是冲他来的,是冲狗来的,就可以放心的奔放的打了。对应英文:The owner will hit you. The reason is not a dog, but I think you do not respect his dog to don't respect him. Before playing his dog with him to talk about, it wasn't him, rushed to the dog, you can rest assured that bold play.

没错,就是楼上解释的那个意思,打哪只狗要先看特主人状况对应英文:Yes, that's what it upstairs to explain, to look at the special master of the dog

也得看看这个狗主人惹不惹得起一般来说 是形容有背景的人不能乱欺负的意思对应英文:Also have a look this dog owners provoke not making up is generally describe the background of people can't bully

打主人看狗 我想,要先看能不能挡住狗,再决定有没有能力惹人对应英文:I want to play host to see the dog, to look at the can block the dog, and then decided to have the ability to make people

比如你和你一个朋友,你无权无势,你朋友是市长儿子,我看你们俩不爽,但是我打的肯定只是你。对应英文:For example, you and your friends, you are powerless, you friend is the mayor's son, I see you unhappy, but I sure you just play.

除非你被狗狗咬伤了,偶家的狗狗整天亲偶的嘴,有时候把舌头伸到偶嘴里(因为是一群,所以看见一个亲,它们就会都抢着亲),偶去问过医生,这样不会传染狂犬,但是这样有点不注...对应英文:Unless you are bitten by a dog, my dog day dear my mouth, sometimes my tongue in my mouth (as a group, so see a dear, they are rushing to dear), I had to ask the doctor, so as not to infect rabies, but that's a little note...

做梦只是小脑在休息的状态下在人的思维静止的时候自己去运作所产生的幻觉幻想,所以不要怕,梦嘛,人人会做了啦~~去做些别的事充实一下很快就会忘掉这个梦了对应英文:A dream is just the cerebellum in the rest of the state in the mind still time to his operation produces the illusion illusion, so don't be afraid to dream, well, everyone will do ~ ~ do something else fill will soon forget this dream

你要求狗主人出示狗证,还有每年注射疫苗的证据! 如果这些都没有的话,它的狗市黑户! 再有你妈妈被咬的时候旁边有没有人看到在问这是谁的狗的时候旁边也应该有人吧...对应英文:You asked dog owners to produce evidence, and every proof of vaccination! If they are not, the dog is black! Again when your mother was bitten. Has anyone seen in asking who is beside the dog should have...

打虎要看本事, 没有真本事,去打虎 那还不得喂老虎啊。对应英文:Tiger to see ability, there is no real ability, to the tiger does not feed a tiger.

资料 狗主人父亲赵广存,河北兴隆半壁山人,在半壁山开矿 狗主人母亲赵淑华,祖籍河北兴隆,现居住遵化(请大家不要影响他们家人的正常生活,他母亲应该挺不容易的) 狗女...对应英文:Data owner father Zhao Guangcun, Hebei Xinglong half hill, in the half mountain mining dog mother Zhao Shuhua, ancestral home Hebei Xinglong, now living in Zunhua (please do not affect the normal life, the family of his mother should very not easy) and female dogs...


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