

打铁还需本身硬对应英文:We also own hard

"打铁还需自身硬"算是最出彩的一句,但翻译把它译成" , ",很明显是把意思搞错了,跟上下文完全接不上。当然应该译成"...对应英文:"We also own the hard" is the best one, but the translation to translate it into ",", is obviously the wrong, not fully connected with the context. Of course, should be translated into"...

如果你不硬,那你打铁,不是鸡蛋碰石头瞎子看不见,你打瞎子,他不能还手啊!哑巴不能说话,你骂哑巴,他不能还嘴啊!总的来说,就是你处于优势吧应该是这样对应英文:If you do not hard, then you follow, not the egg stone blind, you blind, he could not fight back! Mute can not speak, you scold the dumb, he couldn't answer back! Generally speaking, is that you should be so dominant

我是这么理解的。 不要以卵击石,实力不够的时候应该量力而行。这种行为正如明知山有虎偏向虎山行,可是并非夸奖其勇敢,而是讥笑其无知。 说说自己的看法。对应英文:So I understand. Don't court defeat by fighting against overwhelming odds, when not enough strength should do. Such conduct as that Tiger Mountain race, but not praise the brave, but laugh at the ignorance. Talk about their own views.

出句打铁还需本身硬 对句偷油只要尾巴长对应英文:A sentence we also itself hard couplet to steal oil as long as the long tail

"打铁还需自身硬",这句话是总提出来的,从这句话的前后文我们可以得知,关看出当前我们党面临着许多严峻挑战,内存在着许多亟待解决的问题。尤其是一些员干部...对应英文:"We also own the hard", this sentence is always out, from this sentence context we can know, off the our party is facing many challenges, there are many problems to be solved. Especially some official...

投篮打铁的同时也浪费了进攻机会,在职业比赛当中角色球员的任务就是在有相当把握的情况下才出手,如果这些...为团中其他人都无法得分的时候他至少有较强的能力带来较大的...对应英文:Bricking shots also wasted the opportunity to attack, in the occupation game player's task is in a grasp of the situation to make moves, if these... For the group other people are not scoring at least he have a stronger ability to bring greater...

做任何事情都要看自身有无这个前提,比如你叫一个哑巴唱歌。就是这个意思。对应英文:Do anything to see itself has no this premise, if you call a dumb sing. This is what.

就是说做什么事,先检讨自己,完善自己,自己有实力了才不怕竞争,加油对应英文:That is to say what, to themselves, improve themselves, they have the strength is not afraid of competition, refueling

打铁还须自身硬 就是说,作为一个铁匠必须"自身硬",才能打出坚固耐用的铁器。可以想见,把一块块坚硬笨重的...自然就是说是说铁匠自身的素质过硬,打铁技艺高超。 绣花要得...对应英文:We have own hard is to say, as a blacksmith must be "its hard", to build a durable iron. Can imagine, to a hard and heavy... Nature is to say excellent quality blacksmith blacksmith itself, superb skill. Embroidery to...

打铁还需自身硬 好钢应在刀刃上对应英文:We also own the hard good steel should be on edge


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