

各打五十大板对应英文:All fifty strokes
  各打五十大板:   拼音:gè dǎ wǔ shí dà bǎn   常用程度:常用成语   感情色彩:中性成语   成语结构:复句式成语   产生年代:当代成语   成语用法:   作谓语、宾语、定语;用于处事   成语解释:   各:各自。给双方同样的待遇或不分清责任,让双方共同承担责任   成语出处:   刘心武《钟鼓楼》第五章:“七姑‘各打五十大板’地尖声评论说:‘这是怎么回子事哟?瞧

给双方同样的待遇或不分清责任,让双方共同承担责任。对应英文:For both the same treatment or not clearly define the responsibilities, make joint responsibility.

人人有责对应英文:Is everyone's responsibility

要看你们之前租赁合同的约定,是否有约定暖气费的支付问题。根据《合同法》第条的规定"租赁期间届满,承租人继续使用租赁物,出租人没有提出异议的,原租赁合同继续有...对应英文:To see you before the lease contract, whether the payment agreed upon heating costs. According to the "contract law" the provisions of article "at the end of the lease term, the lessee continues to use the lease, the lessor does not raise objection, the original lease contract to...

当事人并不能理解判决。 如果法官以上述观点来指导审判,那么不公平的结果出现的可能性较大。对应英文:The parties do not understand judgment. If the judge with the view to guide the trial, then the unfair result likely.

不是欧洲,况且级别也没那么高,制度肯定不完善啥。并且,各打五十大板,也不是最佳方案。呵呵对应英文:Not in Europe, and the level is not so high, the system will not improve. And, the fifty strokes, it is not the best solution. Ha-ha

清代以前有没有这条规定.但大清律例规定,民告官,如子杀父..先坐笞五十.虽胜亦判徙二千里.对应英文:Before the Qing Dynasty is not the rule. But the Qing code provisions, public officials, such as sub patricide. Sit down to fifty. Though - also sentenced to resettlement two thousand

不可能,打了大板下场肯定上不了场,那教练就哭了!葡萄牙就惨了!对应英文:Impossible, hit the plate end not sure, the coach will cry! Portugal!

黑、红三种颜色的签子,白签每签打一板,黑签每签打五板,红签每签打十板。 说句题外话,古代的签筒和签子还有一个现在已经鲜为人知的作用,它们还是一种度量器具!一个签筒...对应英文:Black, red stick, white signed every sign of playing a black sign, each signed five plate, ten plate red sign each check. As an aside, the ancient pick and stick and a now little-known role, which is a measure of a pick...

包大娘说了,"深夜入宫见驾,是惊动皇上之罪,未通传就要先打五十大板。"对应英文:Packet woman said, "the night into the palace to see coming, is alerted the emperor of the crime, not to pass on to play the fifty panel. "

第三部的第集分钟左右,深夜进宫见驾,未通传就要先打大板。对应英文:The third part sets minutes, night into the palace to see coming, not to pass on to play the first plate.

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