

一墙难挡八面风对应英文:A wall to stop Bamianfeng

(小屁孩的逻辑)你看是不是,不是我再给你找对应英文:(the small fart child logic) you see Is it right?, not I'll find you

第一句的实际情景是一墙的叶子被风吹的摆动。而"漾起波纹"通常是用在平静的水面上的。作者把它用在这里无...的实际情况是爬山虎依靠枝条间的吸盘沿着墙壁往上爬,这是这种...对应英文:The actual situation the first sentence is a wall of leaves by the wind swing. While the "rippled" is usually used in the calm water. The actual situation the author put it here without... Is Parthenocissus rely on sucker branches along the walls to climb, this is the...

喻体时什么比喻词时什么对应英文:What what the word metaphor vehicles when

拂轻轻擦过,如~晓。春风~面。微风~煦。漾水面动荡,就是荡漾的意思对应英文:Brush lightly grazed, such as ~ xiao. The spring breeze ~ surface. Xu breeze. Yang water turbulence, is rippling

一墙的叶子就漾起波纹,好看得很。上面这句话中用(波纹)比喻叶子)。一阵风拂过,一墙的叶子就漾起波纹,好看得很。上面这句话中把(叶子)比喻成(波纹)。楼上看清题目,用...对应英文:A wall of leaves rippled, very good-looking. The above sentence using (corrugated) metaphor leaves). A gust of wind blowing, leaves on a wall rippled, very good-looking. The above phrase in the (leaves) compared to (corrugated). Upstairs to see topic, with...

一阵风拂过,墙上所有的叶子都随风飘舞,就像一片绿色的海洋。 我自己觉得不是太好,因为毕竟有一些拟人的成分对应英文:A gust of wind blowing, all the leaves are dancing in the wind on the wall, like a sea of green. I feel not so good, because after all, there are some anthropomorphic components

一阵风拂过,一墙的叶子翩翩起舞,好看得很。对应英文:A gust of wind blowing, a wall leaves rise and dance in a happy mood, very good-looking.

形容修辞法对应英文:Describe the rhetoric method

一阵风吹过,一墙的叶子随风舞动,好像在展示自己。对应英文:A gust of wind blowing, a wall leaves dancing in the wind, as if to show their.

暗喻,把墙上的叶子比喻成水。对应英文:Metaphor, the wall leaves compared to water.


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