

当着矬子不说短话对应英文:When men don't say briefly

二声,是个子矮。我理解的意思是不要当人一人的面说有关于他自身缺点的话。对应英文:Two sound, is short. I understand you mean don't when one person face said about his own shortcomings.

能力不够之类的,但其实也没有很贬义,相当于不太霸气不能独当一面吧对应英文:Lack of ability and so on, but also not very bad, equivalent to less domineering cannot take charge as chief of

我觉得好像四川话里面的 矬的意思不单针对矮 更多的是形容一个人 衰 无气质 拉塔对应英文:I feel like Sichuan words inside meaning not only for short or more is used to describe a person bad temperament, no

骂人的话,意思和"草你妈"差不多对应英文:Curse words, and the meaning of "fuck you" almost

不是广东话(实际上广东热几乎不讲这个音,反正讲得很少,发音不好发嘛),应该是闽南话吧,反正绝对不是广东话,东成西就的国语配音和中文字幕都是经过修改的,很多台词普...对应英文:(actually not Cantonese Guangdong heat hardly speaks the sound, I speak very little, the pronunciation is not good.), should be the phrase, but definitely not Cantonese, Mandarin dubbing and subtitling young Chinese are revised, many lines of general...

新来的吧,穷矬矮丑当然对高富帅了。 我再也不相信爱情了。你可以说!!不客气。 么么哒嘛,是好话,你也么么哒就好了。 博大精深,有你学的。对应英文:New here, poor dwarf dwarf ugly for tall, rich and handsome. I don't believe in love any more. You can say!! don't mention it. Da: Well, good, you da is good. Broad and profound, have you learned.

北京话是管个子矮叫"矬二声"、也说个子矮的人是"地出溜"。对应英文:Beijing dialect is called "two tube shorter or sound", also said the short man is "slip".

新编戏"十五花洞"(年的封箱戏),里面的那个县令有这段念白~对应英文:The new play "fifteen Hua Dong" (years of sealing play), the magistrate which have the speaking

如果仅仅是牙痛的话可以到药房买甲峭矬片,-元,按照说明书的计量吃,但是不要看说明书的适应症,那上面没有说是治牙痛的。 仅仅是牙痛的话甲峭矬片一般第二天就好。对应英文:If only toothache words can go to a pharmacy to buy a steep short film, - yuan, in accordance with the instructions of the measurement to eat, but don't read the instructions of the indications, it did not say the toothache. Just a short piece of toothache which generally second days.

我们家乡话爹矬矬一个,娘矬矬一窝!! 不过现在,这话也不全对了,首先我们都知道日本的大和民族历史上的身高...的,短短几十年,日本的平均身高已经超过了亚洲的平均水品 所...对应英文:We speak a father dwarfish dwarfish dwarfish dwarfish, mother of a nest!! but now, it is not all right, we all know Japanese Yamato history height..., only lasts for a few decades, the average height of Japan over the Asian average water products...


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