

干一行hang爱一行hang对应英文:Dry line love line of Hang Hang

īí,一群。多指同行的人。就是陪同某领导一起来的那么一些人。对应英文:ī í, a group of. Refers to those who. Is accompanied by a leadership that some people together.

更侧重于跟朋友出去玩的意思 则相对更集中于闲逛,徘徊的意思哈对应英文:More emphasis on going out with friends. It is relatively more concentrated in the wandering, wandering mean

挂断, 挂出, 挂对应英文:Hang on, hang out, hanging

不应当读。 一行()是一个数量概念,特指有一定数量的一行列(人)。这里一行()人是泛指一起走路的人群,没有限定哪一个行列的人。所以不能读一行()对应英文:Should not be read. One line () is a quantitative concept, in particular to a certain number of (a person) ranks. Here a man walk together () refers to the crowd, not limited to one joined the ranks of the people. So I can't read a line ()

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简单来说 解释为出去逛逛,出去溜溜。 解释为徘徊。对应英文:In simple terms to explain to go out, go for a walk. Explain to wander.

--,悬挂、 --,绞死,上吊.告诉你一个窍门,你可以这样记忆 上吊需要一把椅子,后面的就像一把椅子一样,这样记住,就不会混淆了对应英文:--, suspension, -, hanged, hanged. Tell you a secret, you can remember hanging need a chair, the back like a chair, so remember, don't get confused

挂出 . 悬挂,依靠 . 非正式在一个地方度过或花费大量的时间 (非正式主美)完全放松/自由的表达或表现 / 闲荡,...对应英文:Hang. Suspension, rely on. Informal spent in one place or spend a lot of time (informal chiefly US) relax / freedom of expression or manifestation of / about completely,...

行,直排为行,横排为列。"领导们一行参观了",行,意思是一群领导一起参观了一行 指同行的一...如果是一行人的话,意思就变成了这些人以行的队形去南...对应英文:Line, straight line, horizontal column. "The leaders visited", meaning a group of leaders, visited a bank means a peer... If it is a pedestrian, meaning becomes the people in line formation to the south...

如果我们不齐心协力,我们就会被各个击破。对应英文:If we don't make concerted efforts, we will crush one by one.


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