

爹死娘嫁人各人顾各人对应英文:Father dead mother married dog eat dog

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

家破人亡对应英文:The members of one's family are partly dispersed and partly dead

出自现代对应英文:From the modern

老爹死了,老娘就和别人跑了。意思就是能同甘不能共苦。有追求功利,世故圆滑的贬意。人情冷暖,世态炎凉。对应英文:He was dead, I ran off with someone. It is not worth much pleasure. The pursuit of utilitarian, sophisticated pejorative. Men's feelings are changeable. The fickleness of the world.

每个人的心里都会有不同的问题存在。问题是他是否能够很好的控制自己,调整好自己的心态。 对于这位男士的性格不便进行评论,可能尝遍了生活的辛苦,非常有自立的性格。...对应英文:Every man's heart will have some problems. The question is whether he can be a very good control of their own, to adjust their own state of mind. Inconvenience comment for this man's character, have tasted the hard life, very self reliant character. ...

这个世界上任何事物的发展都有它的规律。一切莫强求,亦强求不来,那是它的规律性问题。 理解是这样滴对应英文:Any thing in the world has its rule. All Mo insist, also did not expect, that is the regularity problem of its. To understand it

而一般的理解这句话包含的是这那种"各人顾各人,管他爹死娘嫁人。"的极度自私的意思。   新义"各人自扫门前雪",近些年来,某些地方做出的扫好门前雪的规定.即在平时...对应英文:But the general understanding of this sentence is contained in this kind of "dog eat dog, his father dead mother married tube. "Extreme selfishness. Meaning "mind one's own business", in recent years, some places make good sweep the snow in front of the regulations. In peacetime...

娘要嫁人"是句民谚。这句民谚还带有一段故事。传说古时候有个名叫朱耀宗的书生,天资聪慧,满腹经纶,进京赶考高中状元。皇上殿试见他不仅才华横溢,而且长得一表人才, 便...对应英文:Mother will marry "is a proverb. This proverb is also provided with a story. In ancient times there was a scholar called Zhu Yaozong, gifted, One's mind, Beijing high school champion. The emperor palace to see him not only full of wit, but was a man of striking appearance, is...

而一般的理解这句话包含的是这那种"各人顾各人,管他爹死娘嫁人"的极度自私的意思。新义 近些年来,某些地方做出的扫好门前雪的规定.即在平时把各自范围内的卫生搞好,...对应英文:But the general understanding of this sentence is contained in this kind of "dog eat dog, his father died mother married" extreme selfishness. New meanings in recent years, some places make good sweep the snow in front of the regulations. That is in the normal range in their health,...

而一般的理解这句话包含的是这那种"各人顾各人,管他爹死娘嫁人。"的极度自私的意思。 〔新义〕"各人自扫门前雪",近些年来,某些地方做出的扫好门前雪的规定.即在平时把...对应英文:But the general understanding of this sentence is contained in this kind of "dog eat dog, his father dead mother married tube. "Extreme selfishness. (New) "mind one's own business", in recent years, some places make good sweep the snow in front of the regulations. In peacetime to...


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